Are You Alone
Review of Life
You may have got what’s am going to write today I have read a summary of famous book “The Ruddest book ever” the book clearly says you are alone going to take care of yourself. No one else cares a thing about you. People who are telling “they don’t want to become rich and famous they just want happiness” are fucking assholes. People care about their minor pain but they don’t care about millions dying everyday. No-one is born special you have to work hard and struggle everyday to make yourself special. You have been taught from your childhood of what to think? Think about problems but you have been never taught how to solve? Your problems. If today you are unhappy because of fake people around you. Remember you are alone everyone you see around you are struggling alone. So don’t care about peoples behavior towards you.
No matter what you are? Rich, poor, good,bad people will always try to use you.
Thanks for reading .