You Need to Focus

Or you lose yourself

Blue Insights
Published in
4 min readJul 24, 2019


Photo by Michal VRBA on Unsplash

I am sitting at the counter and waiting for the receptionist to enter all the details for the documents I needed. She kept talking with her workmate sitting next to me while punching letters on the keyboard at the same time asking me some personal information in between.

All went well as far as we checked the second time. She printed it right away. It looked good and well polished, all the details were there. But the most important thing, which was my identification number, she made a mistake unintentionally, and I overlooked at it as well because I got destructed by their conversation. I told her and she felt so sorry for it. It must be corrected right away. Sorry can’t solve the mistake.

Concentration is key to a quality task

When you don’t concentrate on the thing you are doing, you will really get destructed. Multitasking is good, it challenges your mind solving or doing many tasks at the same time, but only few people can do it. Even mothers who are well known to be experts in multi-tasking can become clumsy and can get misled by what they really intended to do at such moments. For a quality thing to accomplish, you need to focus if you don’t want to make your job more complicated.

Big companies catering to many clients have rules and protocols that must be followed carefully and religiously to avoid complaints from its recepients. Once you made a mistake, you have to follow steps from the administration management.You can’t edit and correct those mistakes by your own since there are sections assigned to give proper attention to any discrepancy from the regular processing. It would take some time for sure and to be exact, you created a problem for you and the management.

When you focus on the tasks you are doing, chances are, you create less stress, thereby doing your job at ease and finishing your day smoothly. Topics that don’t need special attention right at the moment can be kept aside for the mean time. Wait for your break, that’s the best thing to do.

You start your day with a positive mindset so that you can concentrate on each task you need to do during the day.Go to work leaving your personal issues at home and chat with workmates when you know there are no clients on the row or better yet wait for breaktime.

I have seen a lot complaining with the way workers are doing their job slowly and lazily especially in public establishments and it really is annoying. We knew that there are procedures to follow and most of the times, clients don’t have enough patience same as workers for sure. But if we see those who should be attending the clients , chatting with each other purposefully and letting people wait longer on the line, then that’s really out of the rule. Why does it have to be like that?

The thing is, most of us nowadays mix everything at work. A family person gets affected by his personal problems while on his job or it might be that he is tired with the tasks that he repeatedly does every single day. In short , the job doesn’t suit him already. So many reasons to consider and understand within the context. We too are workers and can make mistakes. We just need to do the best that we can in any job we have are as long as it’s related to the task assigned for us.

If we love our job, we tackle it the best we can, however the case is. But if we are struck with certain issues, our interest become less. That is where common sense must be used. Be mindful where ever you go and what ever you do. Don’t procrastinate.

There are many ways how to focus on certain things. I am sure you have read and heard a lot of motivations about it. We all have our ways how to deal with it. We just need to discipline ourselves to follow the rules we believe can make it happen. Trust on yourself, of the things you can do, is the beginning.

First, you have to clear up your mind from the thoughts that bothers you. It is easy said than done but if you try to discipline yourself to make it happen then nothing is impossible.

Second, refrain from multitasking if you are not expert in it. Eating and talking while browsing your phone can be a bit too much when you are working especially with clients that come and go. There is always a time for each activity. Breath. Do one thing at a time. Give yourself a space in between every activity that you do. It sure makes you more comfortable while doing your job.

And lastly, keep calm, relax and do your business one at a time.

It’s never a lost if you focus on important matters.



Blue Insights

Loves to write about life motivations,my personal&others' experiences; anything about nature under this vast blue but sometimes and/or not oftentimes cloudy sky