Ann Veronica Janssens at Micheline Szwajcer

Published in
2 min readMay 26, 2019

Artist: Ann Veronica Janssens

Venue: Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp

Date: May 3 — June 29, 2019

Images courtesy of Micheline Szwajcer, Antwerp

Press Release:

We’re delighted to welcome a new installation of Ann Veronica Janssens in which the artist presents two identical circular light shapes, moving in a coloured field. The particular manipulation of the movement embodies the eternal play of attraction and repulsion in which the created tension takes the stage as an invisible protagonist. An hypnotic infusion to an abstract experience. The seed of this play of light may be found in Janssen’s ever lasting fascination for the movements of celestial bodies. In the main gallery space she will present an installation of seven videos of total Solar eclipses.

“So far Ann Veronica Janssens has to her credit six rendezvous with the phenomenon, pursuing an adventure governed by the vagaries of the weather in the most remote corners of the world. The sun is a star that makes things visible while refusing us its visibility. You can’t look at the sun without being blinded. Or you have to slice it, demarcate it, reduce it to one visible object among all the others. Which is exactly what the moon does when it crosses the sun’s limitless fire. The sun is reduced to an object, but its incandescence is always latently there — just as our eyes, exposed to an ever-imminent dazzling, are always on the brink of burnout.” Clelia Zernik

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