Tidings #4: Market Insights — July 2023

David | Bluejay Finance
Bluejay Finance
8 min readJul 4, 2023


In this week of your Bluejay Tidings:

⌛ Unearthing the possibilities and growth within Liquid Staking and LSDeFi.

🌍 Navigating climate change’s impact in emerging markets and their global significance.

💵 Probing into the resilience of the U.S job market amidst prevailing challenges.

Executive Overview

The current report dissects significant trends surfacing across various sectors like finance, banking, crypto, and global economics. It delves into the emerging narrative of Liquid Staking, notably within LSDeFi, and its potential role within decentralized finance.

In the dynamic world of multichain ecosystems, this audit also spotlights protocols like LayerZero that are facilitating cross-chain interoperability. On the international front, it emphasizes the paramount role emerging markets play in combating the climate change crisis.

In the realm of trade, the report highlights shifts marking a gradual distancing from China.

Further, it provides insights on the implications of the U.S. banking crisis and its effects rippling through the banking industry as well as the wider economy.

Lastly, in the realm of Private Credit, taking a fresh purview in guiding lending mechanisms, the report presents insights from the industry experts and reveals the potential opportunities and challenges this change encompasses.

Liquid Staking and LSDeFi: The Frontier of Decentralized Finance

Liquid staking is carving out its niche as an innovative addition to the decentralized finance (DeFi) landscape. It offers a gateway to unlock illiquid staked assets thereby enhancing capital efficiency. An in-depth exploration into LSDeFi manifests how platforms like Lido, RocketPool, and Frax are taking pivotal roles in this new terrain. It’s evident that there lies a plethora of growth opportunities in this domain, particularly for platforms offering a multi-dimensional functionality, adept at amalgamating traditional finance with the cryptocurrency world.

Multichain Ecosystems: The Surge of Cross-chain Interoperability

In the domain of multichain ecosystems, protocols like LayerZero are fostering new narratives centered around cross-chain interoperability. LayerZero’s objective to build omnichain interoperability cultivates a unified communication layer amongst various blockchains, thus promoting interaction and growth. With the evolution of such innovations, they hold the potential to redefine the dynamics of the DeFi landscape.

Emerging Markets and the Global Climate Dilemma

Global efforts directed towards mitigating the impacts of climate change will be severely hindered without significant investment and alterations in emerging nations spanning African nations, India, and Indonesia. Developed countries are heavily investing in energy transitions. However, their emerging counterparts, contributing to 63% of global emissions, run the risk of lagging behind, which could have severe global impacts. The strong clamor for international funding aid, augmented private sector investment, and easier access to capital is prevalent.

Adapting to New Trade Realities & The Slowing Down of China’s Economy

The contemporary geopolitical landscape is witnessing inclusive shifts in global trade patterns. Southeast Asia has overtaken the US and Europe as major trading partners with China. This discernible shift underscored by trade restrictions, increasing Chinese wage rates, and relocation of assembly processes highlights a significant decoupling trend.

Of particular concern is the steady decline of Europe’s economic relationship with China, which raises alarms not only about the slowing Chinese economy but also the geopolitical risks involved. South Korea’s impressive shift to redirect its exports to the US, bypassing China for the first time in two decades, vividly reflects these developments. Although these changes might suggest a trend of risk mitigation and decoupling, a deeper understanding reveals a strategy more aligned with diversification rather than absolute decoupling.

Turning the Tide on Rising Inflation: UK in Focus

In response to a considerable rise in inflation, the Bank of England (BOE) has taken measures to raise benchmark interest rates — a strategy aimed at mitigating the financial turbulence. With inflation rates considerably higher than that of the US or the Eurozone, the UK finds itself leading amidst industrial countries in terms of high inflation. This mirrors wider economic trends and underscores the BOE’s tenacity in striving to achieve their target of 2% inflation.

However, the unique problem of high inflation coupled with low growth could pose additional hurdles in the BOE’s path, making this a significant trend to follow in global finance.

Delving Into the U.S Banking Crisis

The U.S banking crisis, triggered by the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, has sparked concerns about a potentially larger financial crisis potent enough to freeze credit markets. Nevertheless, thanks to the prompt intervention from the U.S Federal Reserve and the U.S Treasury in providing liquidity to banks, and subsequently restoring confidence among depositors and investors, a severe credit crisis was successfully averted.

Viewed from a larger perspective, this crisis caused subtle yet significant changes within the banking sector. Banks have begun offloading performing commercial property loans in anticipation of their performance decline, stimulated by a decreasing demand for securities backed by these loans and apprehension about rising office vacancy rates.

This development has led banks to cleanse their balance sheets, an action which inadvertently drives down the value of commercial property loans causing some banks likely to face losses. This issue has put the overall banking sector under strain, particularly smaller banks, which could in turn impact business activity and job creation. Consequently, this crisis has highlighted the banking industry’s complex relationship with the broader economic system.

Private Credit: The New Beacon in Lending

In times of financial turbulence, it becomes imperative to distinguish between losses and disguised opportunities. When major lending banks were crippled during the financial crisis, concerns were raised about the funding sources drying up that might intensify the economic disorder. Yet, institutions stepped in with capital, filling the gap left by banks and keeping the wheels of commerce in motion.

The amplified pressure on banks with increased regulations has placed private debt into spotlight. In fact, according to Moody’s Investors Services, private debt is on track to swell up to USD 2 trillion by 2027, emerging as an active competitor to more established funding routes.

Banks’ shift towards more liquid yet lower-yielding assets due to tighter asset liquidity rules has opened up opportunities for other capital sources. Today, private credit lends to companies backed or owned by private equity, stepping in with new facilities. This trend is likely set on a faster paced growth, particularly after the regional banking crisis in the US. The calls for banks to increase their financial buffers following the Silicon Valley Bank collapse indicate a further shift of assets off the balance sheets and depict private debt markets as an alternative.

Notably, the private debt market has found resonance with both businesses and private equity firms navigating cashflow challenges. It has evolved to cater to high-growth companies with lesser emphasis on traditional credit metrics. Divergence in lending preferences and innovative strategies point to a growing acceptance of private credit. This trend might lead to larger private equity firms considering investing in or buying regional and mid-cap banks.

While the virtue of private credit’s adaptability impels the market growth, like any financial domain, it has its set of challenges. A reduction in lending among regional and mid-sized banks leaves room for private debt managers to fill. Though, the mismatches in company portfolios between private debt funds and banks potentially urge a shift towards diverse businesses and commercial real estate, indicating opportunities for growth in the larger private debt deals.

The growth of the private debt market invites concerns about the borrowing terms and legal protection as sponsors extend their borrowing multiples or eliminate covenants. The path ahead signals a continued shift towards private lending, suggesting private lending in commercial property sector is due to expand.

Resilience in the U.S Job Market Amidst Roadblocks

Despite a brewing banking crisis, the U.S job market showcases resilience. A robust economy is evidenced by better than expected job growth in several sectors. Nevertheless, the stagnant labor force participation and the escalating number of unemployed people remain prominent concerns.

In conclusion, these extensive global trends underscore the dynamic and interconnected nature of the economic landscape. From the advancements in Liquid staking and LSDeFi to significant shifts in global trade patterns and the impact of ever-fluctuating banking sector conditions, the only consistent aspect is change. This necessitates vigilance and adaptability to navigate and benefit from these developments.


As we continue to examine the intricate weave between global finance, crypto, and economic markets, we discover compelling patterns. Initiatives such as the shift towards sustainability within emerging markets, DeFi’s exploration, and the unprecedented resilience of the U.S job market amidst banking sector challenges reveal the inherent dynamism of economies.

Navigating these turbulent waters requires a comprehensive understanding and strategic approach toward making investment decisions. However, as we stride into promising tomorrows, every investor becomes a part of the evolutionary journey of the finance sector. Recognizing new opportunities, tackling challenges, and responding agilely to changes can pave the path to financial success in a world of constant transformation.

Join us as we continue observing these evolving trends, ensuring our readers stay updated with the pulse of the global financial sphere. We continue this journey together, providing insights week by week.

What to Watch for Next Week:

  • Will private lending in commercial real estate sector see significant growth??
  • Will Central Banks’ decisions reshape global inflation landscape?
  • Can Ethereum “Layer 2” solutions solve DeFi’s gas fee woes?


  1. Data Insights: Liquid Staking and LSDeFi Heat Up. (2023). Binance Research.
  2. The Week Onchain Week 27. (2023). Glassnode Insights.
  3. Summer Travel Outlook. (2023). JPMorgan.
  4. Crypto Market Pulse 03–07–2023. (2023). Crypto.com.
  5. The Disintermediation of Lending. (2023). UBS Asset Management.
  6. Private Credit in Focus. (2023). BlackRock.

Disclaimer: This report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. It is based on sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors should carefully consider their own circumstances and risk tolerance before making investment decisions. The views expressed herein are those of Bluejay Finance as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice.

