Tidings #3: Market Insights — May 2023

David | Bluejay Finance
Bluejay Finance
4 min readMay 22, 2023


In this wave of your weekly #Tidings:

The financial landscape of 2023 is marked by a myriad of intricate and evolving dynamics. As we traverse the terrain of rising interest rates, potential U.S. recession, unpredictable equity and bond markets, and the burgeoning world of cryptocurrencies and alternative investments, the picture that emerges is one of both challenge and opportunity. This comprehensive report provides a deep dive into these facets of the global financial markets, shedding light on the complexities and potential strategic moves for investors in the coming period.

Key Highlights:

Asian Market Dynamics: Japan’s Economic Expansion and Korea’s DeFi Innovations:

In Japan, the final April Jibun Bank Services Purchasing Managers’ Index (PMI) was revised up to 55.4, indicating economic expansion. Preliminary April money supply (M2) expanded by 2.5% year over year. In China, April consumer prices rose by 0.1% year over year, and money supply (M2) rose by 12.4% year over year in April.

In Korea, an innovative collaboration between NEOPIN, Galaxia Metaverse, and BKEX Labs is steering the development of ELYFI, a groundbreaking DeFi lending protocol. This avant-garde endeavor aims to digitize high-value assets, including real estate and automobiles, thereby making them seamlessly manageable on the blockchain. The protocol, under the auspices of ELYSIA — a legally recognized DAO LLC in Wyoming, USA — provides an unprecedented facility for customers to exercise their legal rights. Furthermore, ELYFI will enable the digital conversion of these assets, paving the way for their swift and efficient liquidity.

A Mixed Bag in Equity Market Performance:

The S&P 500 has shown impressive gains in 2023 so far. However, on closer examination, these gains are largely attributable to a handful of large companies, with the broader market delivering a relatively flat performance. There’s an uneven landscape on the global front too — Ireland and Europe have experienced robust growth, while China has lagged behind. This disjointed performance could result in a market levelling off, and the looming U.S. recession could potentially trigger a wider market correction.

DeFi Sector Advancement and JPMorgan’s Innovative Asset Tokenization Approach:

In the decentralized finance (DeFi) realm, digital representations of tangible assets like commodities and real estate have demonstrated superior performance compared to Bitcoin and Ethereum in 2023, as indicated by a report from blockchain analytics firm Nansen. Nansen’s Tangible Asset Index, which tracks 22 distinct governance tokens created on Ethereum, boasted a total market cap of $335 million as of May 8. This year has witnessed a substantial uptick in interest in tokenized tangible assets, with industry titans like Goldman Sachs, Bradesco, and Siemens entering the fray. Debt market protocols have experienced particular popularity, representing a market shift from the previous dominance by real estate and tangible asset securitization infrastructure.

JPMorgan is also recognizing the potential of public blockchain asset transfers. The bank utilized an Aave-permissioned pool to exchange digital Singapore dollars for Japanese yen, thereby converting traditional currency into tokens using the ERC-20 token standard. It employed Polygon for the transfer and settled the fees using MATIC. This activity indicates that public blockchain asset transfers could represent the future of asset tokenization. Citibank goes a step further, suggesting that tokenization could experience an 80-fold growth in private markets, making it a potential breakthrough application for blockchain technology.

Closing Remarks:

While the financial landscape in 2023 presents significant challenges, opportunities are also emerging. Whether it’s the potential attractiveness of bonds in a recessionary environment, the resilience of alternative investments, or the growth in the crypto market, there are numerous avenues for strategic investment. As always, a well-diversified and cautious approach is advised in these uncertain times.

Disclaimer: This report is for informational purposes only and does not constitute financial advice. It is based on sources believed to be reliable, but its accuracy or completeness cannot be guaranteed. Investing involves risks, including the potential loss of principal. Past performance is not indicative of future results. Investors should carefully consider their own circumstances and risk tolerance before making investment decisions. The views expressed herein are those of Bluejay Finance as of the date of this report and are subject to change without notice.


“Monthly Market Insights — May 2023”, Binance Research, https://research.binance.com/en/analysis/monthly-market-insights-2023-05

“Percent Market Insights — May 2023”, Percent, https://percent.com/blog/percent-market-insights-may-2023/

“Market Insights — May 2023”, Harvest Financial, https://www.harvestfinancial.ie/market-insights-may-2023/

“Global Interest Rates: Weekly Update” by Trading Economics. Available at: https://tradingeconomics.com/country-list/interest-rate (Accessed: May 17, 2023).

“The Incredible Opportunity for Real-World Asset Tokenization in DeFi” by Analytics Insight. Available at: https://www.analyticsinsight.net/the-incredible-opportunity-for-real-world-asset-tokenization-in-defi/ (Accessed: May 17, 2023).

“Last Week in Markets: May 8 — May 12, 2023” by Fisher Investments. Available at: https://www.fisherinvestments.com/en-us/insights/market-commentary/last-week-in-markets-may-8-may-12-2023 (Accessed: May 17, 2023).

“A new consortium comprising NEOPIN, Galaxia Metaverse, and BKEX Labs will develop a DeFi lending protocol using real-world assets (RWA) as loan collateral in Korea.” Available at: https://cryptobriefing.com/neo-pin-galaxia-bkex-announce-elyfi-defi-protocol-secured-real-world-assets/ (Accessed: May 17, 2023).

