Hello Botkiri 🤖

Rafa Dorado
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2018
Let’s talk about chatbots architecture

At Bluekiri we have been busy developing a new, exciting chatbot platform 🤖 for our travel corporate partner Logitravel.

We named it Botkiri and we’d like to share with you our experience building it.

Why are we creating Botkiri

There are many chatbot platforms out there, but we could not find one that ticked all the boxes in terms of customisation, scalability and more importantly easy integration with existing client APIs and Applications.

We are building a complete chatbot platform for companies to introduce this new conversational interface that feels more natural to people and offers a better experience to customers. We also want to automatise operations in order to reduce the customer support workload and costs.

Our chatbot platform will allow bot developers to implement new bots in a very clear and simple manner; to allow them to move fast without fear of breaking anything with a commit.

Initial diagrams of the solution

Software Stack

The platform we are planning to build includes:

  • Agent Dashboard
  • Administration Dashboard
  • Bot Engine
  • Business Intelligence
  • Web Chat

We also need to deal with deploying, scaling, integrations and more. After analysing various frameworks out there, we think that botpress.io and botframework.com solve most of our problems out of the box.

After more thought and experimentation we decided to go all-in with our parters at Microsoft and build on top of their software and cloud services.

Microsoft Kickstarting week

We were very lucky to have a trio from the Microsoft team(Nick Trogh, @ForOfffo and @alejacma) visiting us and helping to kick start the project.

Our Objective for the week was to build a skeleton that covered all the components of the platform:

  • CD/CI with VSTS and Azure Cloud
  • Support for handoff conversations to agents
  • Multi Chat Bots Architecture
  • Multi Language
  • NLP with LUIS
  • FAQ with QnA

Luckily with articles like these we could bootstart fast:

Schedule for the engagement week with Microsoft

Planning your objetives for the kickstarter week in advance, ensures that your goals are clear from day zero.

Where we are now

We are about to launch a proof of concept which enables us to learn about customers looking for a different communication experience with Logitravel. At Bluekiri, we believe we can solve customer problems in a smoother and more comfortable manner.

If you’re thinking about starting a chatbot platform, come and talk to us at The e-show in Barcelona.



Rafa Dorado
Writer for

Enjoying life. Random thoughts. Interested in Development, Marketing and Startups. Working on chabots at https://bluekiri.com