Best practice approaches in reader surveys

Published in
Jun 6, 2022

Local Media Association published this excellent report on how surveys helped five newsrooms refine coverage and grow reader revenue, which featured three BlueLena clients (Shaw Media, Shawnee Mission Post and Documented NY).

As the article describes, surveys are among the most valuable instruments available to news organizations to solicit and incorporate feedback directly from readers to help shape content, audience development, and reader revenue strategies. It is the primary reason why BlueLena incorporates audience surveysinto our customer lifecycle management curriculum as a standard best practice for all clients.

👉 Ned Berke, BlueLena’s Chief Strategy Officer, explained the many benefits of surveys during a session of last month’s LMA Accelerate Local event, which can be viewed at this link (passcode = Y^wX2^%*). The video includes presentations from two BlueLena clients (The American Prospect and Black Voice News) plus Embarcadero Media.




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