Digging into dates and email open rates

Published in
2 min readSep 1, 2021

Our last few newsletters have been focused on the hard work of how and why to keep your open rates high and your lists clean. Now we want to show you where to find the data in ActiveCampaign so you can keep on top of things.


Campaign performance data can be found in multiple places throughout the ActiveCampaign dashboard, and most publishers are likely familiar with viewing the reports for individual campaigns. While that’s helpful, it’s a snapshot of a single campaign and isn’t very useful for drawing insights from trends.

To get the bigger picture, use the left-hand menu to navigate to Reports > Campaign Reports > Campaigns Performance. See below.

Based on the size of your database, this report can be a little slow to generate, and sometimes needs to be reloaded. Be patient: it’s pulling together a lot of data.

The report can be narrowed by date sent, as well as result date — which is especially helpful to see how things like your welcome series is doing recently, rather than over the entire lifetime of the automation.

The report shows you subject lines, send dates, and rates for opens, clicks, unsubscribes, bounces and more. Having it in this format, and being able to export it to CSV, is incredibly helpful for comparing subject lines and performance for days of the week. It can also spotlight some red flags: did a specific email have a lot of unsubscribes? Check it out and try to reverse engineer what’s going on.

Most importantly, make a habit of using this report. A good practice is to document your overall open rate and unsubscribe rate every month, keeping track of it in a spreadsheet. This allows you to benchmark against yourself, and run small experiments to push the numbers in the right direction.

Need more help? Email support@bluelena.io and we’ll get you what you need.




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