Week 5 in Review: BIG THINGS TO COME

Tafari Duncan
Bluelight Mobile
Published in
2 min readOct 14, 2016

We have made notable progress and created our first MVP.

To do this, we split our focus into two primary goals. One, to enable location service tracking in our Android app, and Two, to enable the transmission of data from our Android app to a web server.

Tafari’s part of the project related to the creation of the location service tracking in the app. Which was completed and works in the version stored on GitHub.

Zabir’s area of expertise was to relate to the web server and the transmission of data from the mobile app to the web server.

Below are screenshots of the app’s main activity screen, and the secondary map activity where the location information is handled.

Here is the initial screen seen when the app opens. Future development will feature a basic profile screen, as where as implementation of your current location (and what streets you are near according to the Google API).

Here is a screenshot with the map open, showing the data that will be transmitted when the “SIGNAL” button is pressed. The signal button will be the primary button used to trigger the alert process that will contact TUPD.

