Week 7: Welcome SAM!!!!

Tafari Duncan
Bluelight Mobile
Published in
1 min readOct 28, 2016

This week we gained a new member. Samantha Welch, who had previously been working on her own project, joined the team is bringing experience designing a user profile page in Android.

This week’s challenge will include preparing to complete the security testing due on Monday, and continuing our work to get the app configured to send user data to our server.

Unfortunately, our project has hit a wall as all three of us, constrained by our schedules and exams last week, have not been able to devote the desired time to our app.

For example, In my case an update to Android Studio (or perhaps an accidental misconfiguration of a setting?) seems to have broken the map fragmentation, and now I’m spending my time trying to fix the mistake I made instead of moving on ahead to implement additional features.

