How the Imminent Recession Could Save Web3

Tyler Stupart
Published in
3 min readJun 23, 2022
Photo by Julie Marsh on Unsplash

People are hurting, markets are crashing, particularly in the web3 space.

Some call it another “crypto winter” but I’ll refrain from using that term because this economic downturn is not isolated to magic internet money — it is a global macroeconomic event.

While it may be painful to watch the pie shrink in front of our eyes and titans implode, there is still hope and reason to believe that this global recession could be a positive thing for the web3 space.

What!? How can rapidly removing liquidity from the market be good for any emerging technology?

In the same way a fire can be good for a redwood forest. The crypto projects that truly deliver people outstanding, lovable experiences will feel the flames but ultimately survive, and when the climate returns to normal they will find all the hype fueled brush cleared, leaving plentiful resources for them grow.

So now that we have established that the recession will be beneficial for some projects in the long run, how can founders ensure that their missions continue?

Slash spending and hold on for dear life?

No, while some pruning is probably necessary, cutting resource consumption drastically will only enable a slower, more painful, inevitable death.

The answer is to focus on people, the ones giving you money for your services and the ones working to deliver those services to them — really fucking focus on the human experience.

Use precise touchpoints across fine-tuned channels to orchestrate meaningful and memorable experiences that people love.

And it’s easier than you think, how many web3 projects today are allocating resources to mapping their organization from a human-centered point of view? All one needs to do is be in the minority that takes that pledge, to put people first by understanding and incrementally improving their experiences with simple yet powerful tools and methodologies.

Start with a stakeholder map, conduct a few interviews and start formulating a survey, search your opportunity area, then research, then re-research, until you’ve assembled a comprehensive journey map, now stack actor’s journeys on top of each other in time to make a blueprint, how does it sound? Did you realize those touchpoints were clashing or that channel was out of tune?

No problem, it’s a simple fix now that the invisible has become visible.

Why didn’t we do this sooner? How far can we take this? Let’s map out our future-state too — whoa thats a world we would like to live in. And look, connecting these points between our current-state map and future-state map create a roadmap to get there.

It’s easier than one would think if you have the experience and training.

I look forward to seeing those who already know this on the other side, but am even more excited to experience the journey that will take us there.

If you have any questions I’m happy help.

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with love from Tyler Stupart —

