A camera for every occasion, the Sony RX100

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2 min readJul 19, 2016

I take my camera with me everywhere I go, it forms part of the essential kit carried in my backpack. I still carry a dedicated camera because phones still aren’t quite up to the task of taking a decent shot. I spent a lot of time and money looking for the perfect camera, I’ve had expensive DSLR’s, APS-C and Micro 4/3 and they’ve all been too big, cumbersome and come with a lot of lenses. What I wanted from a camera was to have a decent camera which could fit into my pocket, I can tell you of numerous stories of fiddling around with lenses only to find I’ve missed the action. About 4 years ago I discovered the Sony RX100 an instantly fell in love with it.

I’ve discovered my original Sony RX100 M1 (mark one) around 3 years ago, after finally getting fed up with my Sony NEX. The RX range seemed like a perfect jump, so I sold all my NEX kit including quite a few lenses and brought myself the M1. What I loved about my original camera was the fantastic lens, it really outshone the lenses typically in my price range. With an F1.8 and 20MP sensor I was blown away with the quality in such a tiny package.

I recently upgraded to the M3 and it’s a testament to Sony’s confidence in the line of cameras that they are still selling the M1 and M2 alongside the M3, unchanged apart from the price. With each addition they’ve managed to cram more features and more technology in the same size package. The latest models now come with an OLED viewfinder which pops up from inside the body.

You can read a full review of the camera and all it’s technical abilities over at dpreview.com. For me the camera ticks all the boxes and proves to be best in it’s growing class of competitors still 4 years on from when I originally bought it, an amazing feat considering the rate we throw away technology at.




Published in Blueprint

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Written by Daniel

JavaScript Engineer, Data Artist and founder of @pricehare