Blueprint: Year In Review

Over the past academic year at UC Berkeley, we’ve worked closely with five amazing nonprofits to help solve their problems using technology. Read on to learn more about the apps we’ve been working on!

4 min readJul 10, 2018


1. Replate

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Replate works to reduce food waste by matching extra food with communities in need.

The Problem

Replate’s impact is growing quickly, providing food donations to more and more nonprofits. But currently, food pickups and deliveries are all organized by Replate. Nonprofits must contact Replate on an individual basis in order to claim food donations for themselves.

Our Solution

To tackle this problem, we expanded the Replate marketplace, allowing nonprofits to view and claim donation listings. Once the platform goes live, this new marketplace will also optimize routes for these pickups, making it much easier for nonprofits if they have the means of making the pickup themselves.

An example of how a listing would be created by Replate and added to the Marketplace for drivers.

2. The Dream Project

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The Dream Project works to provide free high-quality, holistic, and sustainable education for children in the Dominican Republic.

The Problem

While Dream provides education for thousands students every year, they have been struggling to scale because attendance-taking and enrollment are currently done manually by teachers.

Our Solution

We tackled this problem by building a mobile app to allow Dream’s teachers to take attendance, keep track of student history, and easily enroll new students. Key features included multi-language support and the ability to use the app offline.

Screenshots from the new Dream mobile application, featuring login (left), offline attendance taking (center), and course overview (right).

3. Social Justice Collaborative

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The Social Justice Collaborative’s (SJC) mission is to protect and advance the rights of immigrants and their families through legal representation in immigration and criminal court as well as community advocacy.

The Problem

SJC staff currently use Salesforce to manage their data and day-to-day workflow, which they find to be overly complex and unintuitive.

Our Solution

We built a web app with a much more intuitive interface, specifically tailored for SJC staff to use and manage their cases and clients. The application’s features included creation and management of client data, case tracking, and task and event management.

The brand new SJC portal, featuring the dashboard and event creation.

4. Rocky Mountain Institute

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Rocky Mountain Institute (RMI) works with businesses to transform global energy use and create a clean, prosperous, and secure low-carbon future.

The Problem

RMI consults with large building owners to find out how to optimize their energy usage. But before they can provide recommendations, they need to research and gather large amounts of information that can be complex, unstructured, and difficult to obtain. Currently, this data collection is all done tediously through email.

Our Solution

Blueprint’s team worked to create a dynamic questionnaire to streamline the data collection process for RMI. This gives them the ability to ask and hand off questions to various stakeholders, and view all of their collected data in one centralized place.

Our dynamic form allows RMI to ask complex, dependent questions (left) and gives building owners the ability to hand off questions to others who might have more information (right).

5. Veterans 360

Github Link

Veterans 360 works to create a network for veterans to connect and provide each other with support and relevant resources.

The Problem

Veterans 360 saw that many of today’s young veterans were not prepared for civilian life. Specifically, they did not have access to relevant information regarding transitional resources for veterans, and were unable to find and reach out to each other.

Our Solution

We developed a mobile application to tackle these problems directly, with a “vault” of transitional information that veterans can comb through, a response section directed toward crisis support and information, and a map where veterans can find other veterans or relevant organizations in their community. We also built an admin dashboard on the web that Veterans 360 can use to assign and manage partnering organizations and their resources.

Screenshots featuring the veteran information “vault”, map, and social features.

To learn more about Blueprint and our projects, visit our website and follow us on our Facebook page!

All of Blueprint’s work is open-source because we believe in building technology that makes us more open and connected.

View our Github here




A team of students dedicated to building beautiful software for nonprofits and bridging the gap between technology and social good.