Introducing Our Projects for 2019–2020

This year, we’re proud to work with 5 nonprofits in causes ranging from empowering refugees to fighting food insecurity. Read on to learn more about our partners’ stories and the technology we’re building to expand their missions. If you’re interested in joining us, visit our website to learn more!

Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2019


1951 Coffee Company

1951 Coffee Company is a nonprofit specialty coffee organization that promotes the well-being of the refugee community in the United States by providing job training and employment to refugees, asylees, and special immigrant visa holders while educating the surrounding community about refugee life and issues. They are a local nonprofit, and you can support them in by visiting any of their coffee shops in Berkeley! Learn more

Our project: We’re building a mobile app for 1951 that allows them to communicate with their barista trainees and provide them with digital resources like brew guides and job opportunities.

DC Central Kitchen

DC Central Kitchen is a nationally-recognized community kitchen that recycles food from around Washington, D.C. and uses it as a tool to train unemployed adults to develop work skills while providing thousands of meals for local service agencies in the process. Learn more

Our project: We’re building a dashboard and tablet application that allows cashiers at participating grocery stores to track and accept coupons provided by DC Central Kitchen for free produce.

People Power Solar Collective

People Power Solar Cooperative is building a movement toward expanding access to affordable residential solar power in California. To do so, they crowdsource investments from low-income communities to install solar panels on homes and then distribute any revenue generated by the solar panels back to the community as dividend. By implementing this novel community-owned revenue-sharing model, People Power is on a mission to uplift communities using the power of renewable energy. Learn more

Our project: We’re building an online portal for solar panel co-op owners to view their shares, take action on them, and see the environmental impact they are making with their ownership.

Rescuing Leftover Cuisine

Rescuing Leftover Cuisine (RLC) aims to become the world’s most widely used solution for companies and individuals to eliminate food waste in their communities, making food rescue sustainable and universal, and food hunger a thing of the past. By connecting companies and individuals with leftover food with food pantries and homeless shelters who need food donations, RLC strives to reduce food waste and food hunger at the same time. Learn more

Our project: We’re building a companion mobile application for RLC that allows their volunteers to find and join food rescuing opportunities.


Unloop works with individuals with criminal records to provide an end-to-end educational pathway into careers in software development and tech adjacent roles. By empowering ex-offenders with relevant job skills, Unloop is driven to reduce the prison recidivism rate in America. Learn more

Our project: We’re building an online portal for Unloop students to view their action items and provide easy access to job opportunities, documents, and visualized results of their progress in the program.

If any of these causes excite you, come join us! We are currently recruiting for developer, designer, and Blueprint External positions. To learn more about us and our projects, visit our website and follow us on our Facebook page.




A team of students dedicated to building beautiful software for nonprofits and bridging the gap between technology and social good.