Wellcome Collection, beautiful prosthetic_legs project, UX design of medical & health care.

ロンドン ウエルカム医療博物館&美しい義足プロジェクト&メディカル・ヘルスケアのUX。

Yoshiyuki Yokoyama(@bluerasheen)
7 min readDec 15, 2017


Huge fat object

From the London “Welcome Collection“ and from the Tokyo “Shunji Yamanaka beautiful prosthetic_legs project”, a feeling about UX design in the medical / health care field.

“Welcome Collection” is a museum created by Henry Welcome, a wealthier pharmaceutical company. For research and education of medicine and biology.



The dress is amazing

Looking at the transition of the design of surgical instruments of the past (I felt the same thing also at the science museum), the tool making is the history of material hardness, weight and processing technology challenge . (Object making line)

Thinking with the doctor’s eye, the surgical instruments seem to be strong, but they are very heavy. The operation should have been very tired. Mistakes will be one after another.

Considering from the patient ‘s point of view, it would have been scary to be treated with a big tool. It must have hurt. The fear of the appearance of the surgical instruments, the coldness and pain when touching it has been remarkably improved in history.





尊い仕事と、人の怠惰と。 Respectful work and people’s laziness.

The appearance of medical instruments is quietly strong and beautiful.

A huge collection of books, manuscripts, photographs, films, etc. on medical history is stored. It is the most important in the world.

The space design of the museum is very pleasant. In fact, I relaxed for hours. I feel somewhat calm. It would not be easy to create such a space. (It may be thanks to the location where you can shut out the hustle and bustle of the city to some extent, and the rain which was falling by chance…)


Patient’s own pain and cuddling person’s pain.

I saw a beautiful prosthetic_legs project in Tokyo before.
ロンドンで義足のデザインを見ていて、以前東京 国立新美術館で見た東大 山中先生の美しい義足プロジェクトを思い出していました。

Beautiful and numb.

I do not know a little about the pain reduction rate of artificial limbs and the evolution of functionality.

I was very numb with ordinary feelings of people who want to wear beautiful things and designing with the original function.

I want to talk to you that pink is cute. It use hard material, but it is soft design and Easy design.



It also consider the silhouette when wearing pants.

While sitting on the cushion of the stairs, I thought about UX design in the future medical and health care area.

The patient becomes a patient from the moment he finds a lump. When the diagnosis of the lump comes out and it is found that treatment is necessary, It admit that the hospital is a patient. The longer the deviation time of each other’s start point, the more frustrated the patient. The world will surely become better.



Yoshiyuki Yokoyama(@bluerasheen)

I love traveling, novels, and alcohol. I design for the betterment of society.