Designer recruitment interview thinking test “conference room reservation system” .


Yoshiyuki Yokoyama(@bluerasheen)
11 min readJun 15, 2018


I started a designer interview method that I had previously seen on the Internet.

“Thinking of the design of conference room reservation system”. The condition is the smartphone design, logged in. Test time is 10 minutes. Do not look at anything

The reason why I thought this test was good is …

Imagination of user behavior. Observation eye as a designer. Problem discovery → hypothesis verification → ability to solve problems. logical thinking. Understanding the strength of information. Originality idea. Design ability. Present thought to maximum output within time

I still look at the portfolio just as before. But there are two backgrounds to test.

First, in the design of smartphone site, design power became difficult to understand, Secondly, work division is going on, and work can be done to some extent without knowledge and skills. So, are you studying hard? I want to know.

- ユーザー行動を想像する力
- 観察眼
- 問題発見、仮説検証、課題解決能力
- ロジカルシンキング
- 情報の強弱への理解・思考
- 時間内の最大アウトプットへの思考有無
- オリジナリティ、アイデア
- 情報設計能力
- デザインへの想い(デザインを信じてる、デザインで貢献する、デザインで面白くする)

Then, after deciding to do the test at once,

I can not imagine what kind of output comes out

Where is the evaluation criterion?

How is the person feeling tested?

Is this test really appropriate?

There were many things I did not understand. So I actually tried it.



- どんなアウトプットが出てくるのか、想像がつかなすぎた
- 評価基準はどこなんだろうか?
- テストをする人の気持ちってどんな感じなのか?
- このテストはデザインの素養・教養を計るのに本当に適切?

My Answer, 10 minutes soon … I can not do anything than I thought

My thought process,
What the user does on the booking system, what you want to do
Do it usually feel like using the booking system and feel inconvenient?
The booking system is used by an unspecified number of people in the company. Use it many times a day
Booking approach is also person. What is the main usage?
(Interview = self appeal) I want to put a humor or idea
Ah! A vacant meeting room with now! It’s gooood!

As an aside I enjoyed the test. I thought that it would be a good training for 10 minutes.


- 予約システムでユーザーがやること、やりたいことって?
- 普段予約システムを使っていて、不便だと感じてることって?
- 予約システムは社内の不特定多数の人が、1日に何度も使う
- 人それぞれの予約アプローチがあるだろう、その軸は主に何?
- (面接=自己アピール)ユーモアというかアイデアをひとつ入れたい
- あ!nowで空いてる会議室!ってどう?いいじゃん…


Next, not only me but 10 designers and non-designers (directors) had the same test done.

Evaluation criteria have come to light.


It seems that it is a designer to express the meeting room in an overhead view

Let’s organize requirements before designing. Too limited usage
Designed with awareness of user behavior

Please look at the whole, not details
It can not be read with smartphone
Do not decide. The work is small
It is safe in good work (thought is deep)
Let’s have an idea
It would be good to attach a design style after engineering
Let’s imagine more. More work
Let’s enjoy thinking. It is a fun place of design

It was interesting that many people do the same work as usual. With or without time. So the feedback to the output was the same as usual.


- 会議室を俯瞰図で表現するのがデザイナーらしいなあ
- もうちょっと要件を整理してからデザインしないと、操作を限定しすぎてしまうなあ
- ユーザーに思いを馳せてからデザインしてますね
- 木を見る前に森を見よう
- これスマホじゃ読めないよねえ
- デザインの仕事の範囲を決めすぎないようにね
- 安心できますね(しっかり考えられています)
- アイデアを持ちましょう
- 先に実装してもらってデザインのスタイルあてる方が早く仕事が進みそう
- もっと想像しよう、手戻りしてしまうね
- デザインを考えることを楽しもう

2 graduates from art college, 1 graduate from the art university. I hear that such a test will be done at the university. So, it was a better result than I thought. There was also a unique self-expression reply and it was interesting.

The point I’d like to test is that the conversation will bounce after the test. “Why did you think this?” “It is better if this is this way,” “It is a good idea!”
The applicant’s identity was seen. It was not seen before. And I myself enjoyed the interview.

Even though the score of this test is good, they are not always able to design and coding. But just skills and techniques will soon get over.

Besides that, I want to know the attitude to design and the respect for design. I tested and noticed it myself. I would like to work with such people. I want to stimulate each other. I want to learn.






I brushed up at a later date…

I would like to meet a good designer. I want to work together.



Yoshiyuki Yokoyama(@bluerasheen)

I love traveling, novels, and alcohol. I design for the betterment of society.