
Yoshiyuki Yokoyama(@bluerasheen)
Published in
54 min readOct 13, 2021

Dropped out of graduate school at Keio University(SDM) in the spring semester.

慶應三田キャンパスでワクチンうってもらった。 I got the vaccine at Keio Mita Campus.

慶應義塾大学大学院 システムデザイン・マネジメント研究科(SDM)を春学期で中退した。途中で断念するのは気持ちのいいことではないけど、院進には少しの後悔もなく、社会人生活20年で得たことのない経験がいくつもあったので、なんかしらこれからにつなげたい。振り返ればあっという間の、ジェットコースターのような半年だった。


I decided to drop out of the Graduate School of System Design and Management (SDM) at Keio University in the spring semester. However, I have no regrets about my decision to go on to Graduate School. I had a number of experiences that I have never had in my 20 years of working life. I will make the most of this experience. Looking back, it all happened so fast. It’s been a roller coaster ride, but what I’ve learned is that I can make time, I can buy books without thinking, and my English skills are the most important. I also gained a deeper understanding of systems thinking, which had been fragmented. Why should I view it as a system? How do I have traceability? The most important thing was that I became more aware of this. The following is my weekly review. Please refer to it if you are considering going to Keio SDM.


クリティカルシンキング 実践篇: あなたの思考をガイドするプラス50の原則
大人になるためのリベラルアーツ: 思考演習12題
組織行動論の考え方・使い方 — 良質のエビデンスを手にするために
宇宙を目指して海を渡る MITで得た学び、NASA転職を決めた理由
クリティカルシンキング 入門篇: あなたの思考をガイドする40の原則
デザイン学 思索のコンステレーション
ベルギー大使の見た戦前日本 バッソンピエール回想録
最短経路の本 レナのふしぎな数学の旅
さあ、才能(じぶん)に目覚めよう 新版 ストレングス・ファインダー2.0
マンガで読める マッキンゼー流「問題解決」がわかる本
マンガでわかる! マッキンゼー式ロジカルシンキング
三体III 死神永生 上
三体III 死神永生 下
コ・デザイン デザインすることをみんなの手に
ベンチの足 (考えの整頓)
詳説デザインマネジメント ―組織論とマーケティング論からの探究
シン・ニホン AI×データ時代における日本の再生と人材育成
研究の育て方: ゴールとプロセスの「見える化」
デザインマネジメント原論 ―デザイン経営のための実践ハンドブック
実践デザインマネジメント ―創造的な組織デザインのためのツール・プロセス・プラクティス


Why do you keep a log when you are busy? It’s because there is so much to do. I wanted to visualize how much I’ve done.

Week 0th (4/2–4) 8.5h

入学式1.5h/ 教室ツアー1h/ 教員紹介2h/ 入学合宿4h/

慶應日吉キャンパスに入学式に行く。それ以外はパンデミックの為、基本オンラインの院生活が始まった。教授からパソコン2台使い(or 外部モニタ)と、ネット環境を整えるよう再三周知がある。
入学合宿はMacBook Pro 2017でzoom、Macbook Air 2018でMiro(App)でやるも、Macbook Airのファンがうなるうなる。Miro Appにたくさんの学生と教授やTA*がログインしてるからかもしれない。
学生同士はfacebook groupで情報共有することが奨励されるが、急にattentionが増えてあれなので見すぎないようにする。
*Teaching Assistantの略。多くがSDM卒業生または修士2年生

Went to Keio Hiyoshi campus for the entrance ceremony. The rest of the day is a pandemic, so my life as an online graduate student has begun. Professor said us to use two computers (or external monitors) and to set up an internet environment. The entrance camp was done on a MacBook Pro 2017 with zoom and a Macbook Air 2018 with Miro App. The Macbook Air’s fan is noisy. Maybe it’s because there are a lot of students, professors and Teaching Assistant logged into the Miro App. Students are encouraged to share information with each other in facebook groups. I don’t like the sudden increase in ATTENTION. I need to think carefully about how to protect my time so that I don’t neglect my work and my life doesn’t become bleak.

Week 1st (4/5–11) 37.5h

セットアップ4h/オンボーディング12h/ 予習4h/講義10.5h/ゼミ7h/

オンライン環境は先週と逆、MacBook Pro 2017でMiro、Macbook Air 2019でzoom。有給1.5日使ってアカウント登録/履修登録/ゼミ申請などオンボーディング終了。

Online environment is the opposite of last week. Miro on MacBook Pro 2017, Zoom on Macbook Air 2019. Finished onboarding with 1.5 paid days, including account registration, course registration, and seminar registration.
Set up lecture and prep time on company calendar. Visualized my graduate school time. Settled in a bit. A bit relieved to know that half of the lectures are every other week. In fact, there is a lot to do every day. Most of the lectures have reports to be submitted.


Lectures are held throughout the day, from Monday to Saturday. I will take elective lectures on Tuesday through Friday evenings, and a required lecture on Saturday (minimum number of courses).
・Introduction to System Design and Management (required)
・Design Project (required)
・Business Process Modeling and Management
・Modeling and simulation of systems
・Network and Database
・Special Lecture on System Design and Management
・Research on System Design and Management


I can’t do any research for at least six months. Why is that? I can listen to my seniors’ research in seminars every week. Do I need to learn the basics in order to do research? I want to do research, not study. I finally got a good night’s sleep on Sunday.

Week 2nd (4/12–18) 7.5h


先週37.5hのハードワークの疲れで今週ははやくも身が入らない。なんとか講義レポート提出をしている。必修講義の予習に、前年同講義動画を見なきゃなのだが、等倍で見るのがつらすぎてどうにかならないものか?と思ってたらVideo Speed controllerをみつけた。これで予習を時短できる。予習動画視聴状況が必修講義のTAは確認出来るようで、再三リマインドが来てうるさいなあと思う。

I was tired after 37.5 hours of hard work last week. I’m not motivated this week. I’ve managed to submit my lecture report. As for the preparation for the required lectures, I watch the videos of the same lectures from the previous year. It takes a long time, so I looked for a way to watch it at double speed. I found a Video Speed controller. It’s a great way to shorten your prep time.They tell us over and over again to “prep”. It’s annoying, isn’t it?


A lot of the time in the required lectures is group work. We do it in a zoom breakout room with about 8 people. Although online, there are so many opportunities to interact with my classmates. But I’m not a social person. It’s very tiring to communicate with new people every time. However, inevitably, there will be more conversations among students. It’s interesting to hear different people’s stories.


Over the past few weeks, I have been surprised by a few things. First, there is a wide variety of occupations among my classmates. Space-related careers, Kasumigaseki-related careers, Self-Defense Force officers on land, sea, and in the air, trading companies and banks, major automakers and electronics manufacturers, and so on. Secondly, many of them do not have a research theme. They will be looking for one from now on. Many of them are sent by their organizations. In some cases, the purpose is to improve their career or change jobs. Lastly, many of my classmates seem to enjoy the required lectures, which I am not very good at. Yes, I think it is okay to take only required lectures. There are quite a few working people who study only required lectures. This is a popular lecture at Keio SDM. A lot of people like what I don’t like. It has always been this way.


I participate in various seminars by experience. Some of the older students are talking to me. “I’m a designer too. This is the Graduate School of System Design and Management, but there are almost no designers here. So it’s nice to meet a designer. Maybe it was because I was also in a weakened state, but it was rare that I asked them for advice. I’m aware that I’m under a lot of stress. I feel embarrassed, lol.

Week 3rd (4/19–25) 27h



The portal site for online lectures was very difficult to use. It has improved a little now that I have registered. I guess it’s because all the lecture names are similar. Which lecture’s report I done? Which lecture has a report due today? Why don’t you design it so that it is intuitive? I’m busy every day with lectures and reports. It’s hard, hard, hard.


In the required lecture, the professor said, “Working people, in particular, have their own way of doing things that they are good at. But please do it our way first. It will be hard to do at first. It will be tight. But let’s give it a try. I’m sure that’s true. I had a lot of prep videos this week, and it was tough. But some of them are interesting to watch. There are a lot of reports. I have three days of required lectures at GW. It’s very depressing.

Week 4th (4/26–5/2) 17h



If I do my report on Sunday, I can finish it. It’s easy on the mind. But I want to take Sundays off. I want to rest my brain. It takes me seven hours to write a report for a five-hour lecture. (It’s a matter of my ability and motivation).


I have a co-worker who is a working college student. He is going a different university. How do you balance work and college? I ask him. He gave me some advice. He said, “Don’t study too much. Don’t forget to input your work as well. Both are necessary. I was a little relieved. I need to decide on a seminar soon. I’m not very good at getting together with large groups of people.

Week 5th (5/3–9) 42.75h



I finished the three days of required lectures at GW. But from now on, we will have group presentations every other week. Seven times intermittently, too. My group member is four Japanese workers and two Chinese students. I’m happy and excited that we are all diverse. Communication is in English and Japanese. I hope my English improves. By the way, my calendar already fix with to do every day. But we need to do group work every day for presentation. How can I make time for this? I’m at a loss. Is this too much to ask? sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, painful, sleepy…

Week 6th (5/10–16) 32.75h



Twenty-six hours of group work in six days! Where did all this time come from? The group members are very nice and calm. They are very interesting.
But sometimes the conversation gets too lively. As a result, we couldn’t do the group work that we needed to do. Also, the longer we talked, the more we spoke only in Japanese. I don’t want to do that. I try to use English as much as possible. Great job DeepL! thanks.


Group work* was planned for two hours from 8:30 p.m. every day except Sunday. However, it was often difficult to get everyone together on time. (We had lectures and seminars until the last minute. In some cases, the worker had to work late.) Because of the delay in the start of the day, we usually end up group work until around 24:00 every day. It’s physically tough for everyone. Some members work start from 8:oo a.m.. If we don’t control the time, some of our members might collapse.
*We get to decide how much time to spend on group work.


The weekly seminar has started, and I can listen to the senior students research reviews. I see, so that’s how you see it. It was very informative. The seminar is basically an exchange on research. This is the graduate school life. Very, very fun.

Week 7th (5/17–23) 39h

講義12h/ 講義レポ4h/グループワーク23h/


All the members were exhausted from the daily group work. The first thing we must use a lot of frameworks to find insights. From the insights, we make a good questions and found solutions. We have to use all the frameworks, but if the members notice each other, they start discussing the solution. Time is melting away, … it’s hard. During the group work, I wondered how the other groups were making time.


The first presentation was an all-nighter. After the presentation, I listened to the feedback from the professors and TA(Teaching Assistant) and realized why I didn’t like this required lectures. For one thing, I felt uncomfortable with the stance of “creating innovation through a framework of design thinking and systems thinking. Secondly, this required lectures itself is a research theme for the graduate school, and we students ourselves are the subject of the research. Finally, I felt uncomfortable that I am a designer, was being taught design thinking by a non-designer SDM graduate*.
*This is not a trivial pride. I believe in it. (Self-Affirmation Bias)
*There is the stress of not feeling the sincerity of the TA’s words to the design

Week 8th (5/24–30) 30h


リモート環境を、M1 MacBook Pro 2020とM1 Macbook Air 2020にリプレイスでアメとムチ。

Upgrade the remote environment to M1 MacBook Pro 2020 and M1 Macbook Air 2020. Tired from the group work, I can’t concentrate on the other lecture. There are some lectures that I can understand if you just listen to them, and others that I can’t understand unless I review them thoroughly. I feel like giving up on the latter. If I don’t put more weight on the group work, I won’t be able to do the group work. One of my professors told me that “required lectures take up a lot of time that doesn’t match the number of credits,” and even though I know this, graduate school continue to do this, which makes me think again that these required lectures are the selling point of the Keio SDM.


I’m a single-tasker, so multitasking is stressful for me. However, some of my classmates are good at multitasking and are preparing to study abroad while multitasking. I’m amazed. They have a very different kind of hungry spirit.


I can hear a lot of stories about the world that I don’t know from the members. The conversation with the two international students was also interesting because of their different cultures. They told me about their love for Japanese anime and their image of Japanese people as seen by Chinese people. Group work is very, very hard, but there are also many interesting things.

ゼミが面白くなってきた。研究対象のシステム全体をしっかりとらえきれないことが、研究にどう影響するのか?が今週はちょっと聞けて少しだけイメージ出来た。僕でいえば「社会をよくしたい」の「社会」って一体何よ?どこよ?って話のようなイメージかなあ?それを社会ってのはここのことを言ってて、この社会はどう構成されていて、ステークホルダーは誰で、どう複雑に入り乱れているのよみたいなものをas isを書いた上でto beを考えていくみたいな話。

The seminar is getting more interesting. If you don’t take a good look at the whole system under study, how will it affect your research? I was able to visualize a little. In my case, where is the “society” in “I want to improve society”? Society is from here to here. What is the structure of this society? Who are the stakeholders? Describe the current situation and then think about what should be next. From “as is” to “to be.”

Week 9th (5/31–6/6) 34.25h



The lack of progress in group work leads to more group work. All the members of the group were in a state of exhaustion. If we don’t do our individual work, we won’t be able to finish our group work. But everyone except me couldn’t do the individual work. (I took a paycheck and did it. And I had to give up one of my other lectures.)


The second presentation received feedback that was even more uncomfortable than the previous one. The group members felt threatened by the feedback and gathered for more MTGs that just night. But I couldn’t seem to do anything about it until I could digest the uncomfortable feeling, so I stopped looking at my iphone, and decided to think quietly by myself (I actually slept a lot).

Week 10th (6/7–13) 1.5h



How can I get out of this situation? Do we need to break it in the first place? What value is there in this future? The more I think about it, the deeper the questions become. I spent the whole day on Sunday thinking and napping, thinking and napping. With a clear head after a long sleep, I think again about the strange feeling I had on Saturday.


What was crucial in the second presentation on Saturday was the contrast between the feedback to our group and the feedback to the other groups. When I noticed the contrast, I felt that what is important for professors and TAs, which I won’t go into in detail, is not the quality of the solution, but the process by which the solution is derived. In other words, the samples that lead to the research results. This is not a lecture to lead to our future research, is it? I didn’t want to spend a huge amount of my time on these people’s research(Self-affirmation bias).


I won’t attend the required lectures anymore. Once I made that decision, I felt so much better. Of course, that means I can’t get a master’s degree. I can’t even go on to the doctor course. I have paid my tuition. But it was a necessary decision. I came to graduate school in the first place because I wanted to be able to write research papers. So I decided to use my group work time for research and read papers. When I thought about it that way, I felt much better.


Why did I think that being able to write a paper = going to graduate school? Did I consider any other options besides graduate school? …No, I thought I wanted to go to graduate school first. Then I thought I wanted to be able to write research papers. This thought encouraged me to go to graduate school. In the process of preparing for the graduate exam, I learned the difference between studying and research.


Once I’ve decided to quit, I have to do is tell the group members. The members are getting ready for the next presentation. I need to minimize the impact on the members. “Sorry, I’m out.” The members respected my decision. They were concerned about me. They were sad that I was leaving the group. I also felt sad because I had seen them every day for the past month. But I don’t want to make the members feel negative. I smiled and said good luck. I’ll spend my time properly.

Week 11st (6/14–20) 20.5h

予習2h/ 講義16.5h/ゼミ2h/


When I listen to my seniors’ research in seminars, I often don’t understand what is unique about it. The research genre is not my specialty. The level of my listening English is also a challenge. I’m doing my best with DeepL on my Mac and the camera function of Google Translate on my iPhone. However seniors’s are asking questions to the presenters, so I’m sure they have some tips on how to get an overview. I want to understand more. I need to read a book on systems engineering.


Since I gave up the required lecture, I had more time. Started looking through the archives of the much-acclaimed lecture “International Political and Economic Systems”. Purchased a few assigned books.

Week 12nd (6/21–27) 3.5h



I was busy at work this week. I also ate out drinking alcohol with my coworkers. Will I be able to continue reserching on my own? Or should I apply to other graduate schools? In the meantime, I’m ordering and reading materials for other graduate school.

Week 13rd (6/28–7/4) 23h



I start looking for things that are only accessible now on the Keio website. I found a list of books recommended by many professors.
I no longer have to worry about credits. So there is no need to attend lectures in real time. (I can watch the archives at double speed). In addition, some of the lectures became group work. I don’t have the motivation for reply to group members and professors. I’m so sorry.

英語論文の探し方ウェビナーがあり、良質なジャーナルに掲載されている査読論文を読みなさいと教わる。Web of Scienceを教えてもらう。また同様の過去ウェビナーではScopusを薦めていたことも知る。

There was a webinar on how to find reserch paper in English, and I was told to read peer-reviewed articles published in good journals, and I was told about Web of Science. Then, I learned that a similar webinar in the past had recommended Scopus. This week’s seminar was a hybrid of English and Japanese, so it was interesting to catch up with the presentations (I wonder if it’s a problem with my English ability). Is there any way I can drop out for graduate school and just attend seminars?

Week 14th (7/5–11) 2h



I went to Mita Campus of Keio for a vaccination to covid-19. And I saw an exhibition on the history of Keio University. It was good to learn about it. I’m going to read Yukichi Fukuzawa’s autobiography, which I received when I entered Keio.


Listening to the research outline of a senior student in a seminar. Do you want to create a business? Do you want to do research? I didn’t know the difference. Where do you want to go? I want to be able to understand a little more.

Week 15th (7/12–18) 0h


I participated in the Design Symposium. I guess it was the influence of graduate school that got me interested in academic conferences. How can I make a presentation at the symposium? I’ll look into it.

ストレングスファインダーを同僚10人でやったら面白かった。僕は、収集心 | 学習欲 | 着想 | 個別化 | 戦略性。

I did StrengthsFinder with 10 of my coworkers and it was interesting. I’m a collector, a learner, an inventor, an individualizer, and a strategist.

Week 16th (7/19–25) 8h



This week’s seminar was the most interesting so far. Perhaps it is because them research is about ethics. Why is ethics so interesting now? Is it because technology is destroying human ethics, or will AI update human ethics? Can humanity control AI properly? It is very interesting.


I listened to the last lecture of “International Political and Economic Systems”. The spring semester is over. The end always comes. I need to read more and more books.

Week 17th (7/26–8/1) 0h


I also worked on Saturday and Sunday. I got a lot of work done. Now that the Tokyo Olympics have started, I’m in the mode of wanting to slack off.

Week 18th (8/2–8) 0h


It’s been a busy week with the Olympics, shot of vaccines and work. It seems that the final presentations for the required lectures have been made. Where did everyone get to? Thanks for all the hard work. Some members contacted me even after I left the group. Thanks.

Week 19th (8/9–15) 9h



On Sunday, I spent a whole day writing this Medium Post.
When I started writing this post, I didn’t think it would become a dropout log. (No, I had a hunch, lol.) It’s the spring semester version, so I’ll write it until the end of September.

Week 20th (8/16–22) 0h

Week 21st (8/23–29) 4h



I told my professor that I was going to drop out of graduate school, and we had a small discussion on zoom for an hour. I received some surprising suggestions, but I’m not sure what will happen.

Week 22nd (8/30–9/5) 4h


I download a lot of English papers and translate them to DeepL. The translation of the documents on DeepL needs to be docx or pptx. It’s a pain to convert the downloaded pdf to docx.

Week 23rd (9/6–12) 0h


I couldn’t understand Medium’s Publication, but I was finally able to set up my own domain for “bluerasheen.com”. I’ve touched rental servers and cloud computing many times before. But I probably don’t understand them properly. As I’m setting up this and that, I realize that it’s done. It’s the same this time.

Week 24th (9/13–19) 0h


It’s been a week of preparation for the online event. I was able to get feedback from my coworkers and brush up on it. It was a two-day long event, and I was happy to see so many great designers.

Week 25th (9/20–26) 11h

論文読み6h/ Pocket5h/


When I have a relaxed mind, I can read papers more easily. I was able to go mountain climbing for a change of pace, and I’ll have to start working hard again next week.

Week 26th (9/27–9/30) 0h


I’ve been trying not to let it affect my work, and I’m sure my coworkers have been following my lead. Thank you very much for everyone, I will get back on track. Is there any other way? Maybe there is. But that’s…clumsy, stubborn uncle.



Yoshiyuki Yokoyama(@bluerasheen)

I love traveling, novels, and alcohol. I design for the betterment of society.