Heather Lynn Fit, “Girl Boss,” HIIT To Invert and Making Connections

By: Alisha Evelegh

Blue Ridge Hemp
Blue Ridge Nation
8 min readSep 10, 2017


Heather’s entrepreneurial spirit of individualism in a world where many people seem to do it by the “book” resonates with our passion for entrepreneurship and growth. Doing things by the “book” is not a strategy we adhere to at Blue Ridge Hemp and speaking to Heather, gets us inspired by her story of taking on the “girl boss” world with a different approach.

As we get deeper into conversation with her, we realize there is a lot of ‘Heather’ that resonates with Blue Ridge Hemp and our values as well.

She is as spirited and strong in conversation as she is in her Instagram pictures, but that’s just the first layer to a woman who has gone through a few processes to ensure she is on the road she wants to be for her journey.

She talks to us about where her career started out, how the idea for her ebook was born, insecurities she has faced along the way and shares exciting news about her plans for the future!

Early Beginnings

Heather studied Communication with a focus on Media at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte. Her early career path followed in similar footsteps to her education, starting out at a paid internship before graduation, Heather proceeded to work for various big brand companies and made good progress in her career.

However, she discusses how even in her early marketing days she wasn’t “feeling the desk, corporate life” and “working in yoga and fitness had always been in the back of my mind” but, at the time it was something she didn’t think was possible.

Nonetheless, she continued climbing that corporate ladder at a fast pace, even though yoga never left her mind. And it was her last boss, at a company specializing in SEO and social media, who encouraged her to start working and doing things in yoga.

“Looking back, all the jobs I had, have helped me today so much, it’s funny how that all works out.”

Even before her last boss’s encouragement, Heather knew she wanted to have an Instagram account and other online platforms where she shared content about yoga, fitness and what she has learned on her journey.

However, before taking on the #InstaWorld and #YogaChallenges, Heather was a health and fitness coach for Beach Body and used their workout programs in addition to Shakeology, while still having her sights set on being her own “girl boss” and involving yoga in that process.

Working towards her “girl boss” goal, she completed her Yoga Teacher Training over a nine month period and knew early on that she wanted to do Entrepreneurship by her “book” and that “book’ meant releasing an e-book.

Entrepreneurship and Comfort Zones

As the saying goes, it’s easier said than done and Heather shares:

“It takes a lot of getting out of your comfort zone, and there’s a lot of fear around it… you know, where do I start?”

She shares how in the beginning, when HIIT To Invert, her ebook, wasn’t even a formulated idea yet and Instagram and yoga were still her core goals, she was questioning herself and often found herself asking:

“What are people going to think?”

Self-doubt crept in and made her question whether she was good enough to have an Instagram account sharing and educating about yoga and that self-doubt voice would make her question whether it was “even something I could do.”

Eventually, it was her focus and dedication to yoga and her practice that led her to have the confidence in herself and put that self-doubt voice to bed. She knew she wanted to write an ebook. At that stage, she was learning to do handstands and inversions while doing a lot of high-intensity interval training (HIIT).

“…and I just noticed this growth that I had from it and saw so many people struggle to learn and felt like I had so much progress with this style of training and I [felt] like this would help a lot of people.”

That was one of the moments the idea for HIIT To Invert started to fall in place, Heather recalls:

“This is it; I have to share this with everyone.”

And so the idea took fire and Heather knew she had to align her brand to what she wanted to produce, not only for Instagram but also for herself and others out there that could benefit from a program like this.

“Ultimately, I decided to stop coaching… I knew that I wanted to go more into a yoga direction and I wanted to do the ebook…”

HIIT To Invert

Similar to how some of our Blue Ridge Hemp Company and Instagram goals are to cultivate community and connect the Blue Ridge Nation, Heather has made her own connections through Instagram. She met her HIIT To Invert partner, Kirsty on Instagram and initially what started out as a friendship and practicing yoga together, quickly grew to become what is now known as the ebook, HIIT To Invert, available on their website here.

Because of Heather’s motto, “stronger together,” it just made sense to team up late last year.

“We are good on our own but when we collaborate we can reach more people.”

And similar to High-Intensity Interval Training, they swiftly made it to the finish line of their ebook and launched it in March this year.

Heather is happy to see the connections being made through people using the program and connecting on platforms such as Instagram. Becoming friends, posting yoga challenges, and mastering their skills using the #hiittoinvert initiative.

With HIIT To Invert, Heather sees another connection in her journey, she went to her first yoga class about 8 years ago, it was a fusion yoga class, incorporating yoga, weights, and plyometrics and now “It’s funny again, because now, the ebook, was yoga inspired, high-intensity interval training, so it is kind of all connected in a way.”

So, what’s next?

For Heather, the future is steering in the direction of building community and creating content, something we here at Blue Ridge Hemp can relate to again while speaking with her.

“We never want to be inauthentic with this.”

Heather shares the vision they had for HIIT To Invert on social media and how the only goal for her was:

“I wanted to actually help someone.”

They created the ebook to provide others with material to benefit and learn from and judging by the social media waves it is already creating, they are reaching their goals.

There are also talks of more ebooks and content creation and the stories that Heather, herself, want to share with her own and other communities.

“The whole idea behind HIIT to Invert for me was — handstands in particular for me was something that I just spent so much time practicing and working on and I never really believed that it was something I was ever [going to] achieve. I never thought I would be where I am now in my yoga practice. It sounds crazy, but I didn’t really believe in myself, to be honest, and once I decided to really work at it and be consistent with my practice, then I started noticing that I was getting better, and then before you know it, I was doing a handstand, and it is so much more than just a handstand, for me it was like, if I could do this, what else could I do…So that was something I just really wanted to share with people.”

Making Connections and Discovering Blue Ridge Hemp

A big focus for Heather is the community aspect of Instagram. And we told you Blue Ridge Nation, the more we speak to Heather the more we realize we have a lot in common. Such as building a beautiful community. And it is Heather’s community that introduced her to Blue Ridge Hemp.

For her, Instagram has been a portal of connections much like it has been for us at Blue Ridge Hemp. We love cultivating our community and seeing how the Blue Ridge Nation make connections with each other.

Heather connected with one of her best friends on Instagram when she was still a Beach Body coach and hasn’t stopped making connections since!

Explore Your Creativity

There is something else she is also passionate about, and that is creativity and finding constructive outlets for her it such as writing and sharing content. This leads us to talking with her about her new website, https://www.heatherlynnfit.com/ where you can also get your copy of HIIT To Invert.

Now we cannot exactly share her first blog post right here, but we can share some insight from Heather and hearing this, has got us excited to read her blogs!

She openly talks to us about how she dealt with anxiety and depression after University and how those experiences have formed her, and that’s just some of the lessons she touches on that she wants to share through her writing.

“I hit a point where I didn’t know what I had just spent the past four years learning, like I didn’t know myself and I just want to encourage people to explore your interests, we are always connected to our phone and what society thinks we should do and what our parents think we should do and all those things are great and all, if your parents want the best for you that is cool. But take some time to really learn what it is what you want.”

She hints that she’ll be writing about empowerment and past experiences. Will we read more about this topic in the future? Only time will tell…

Her blog and website aren’t mere overnight projects; Heather’s always had the goal of creating multiple platforms to share what she has learned and is now putting those goals into motion. She also enjoys collaborating with other people and brands, and we look forward to seeing the direction her platform is taking on!

“It’s about what it does for your confidence and being able to take that energy and put it into something else that you want to do… It’s an empowering feeling, and that’s what I really wanted to share with other people.” — Heather on yoga, handstands and HIIT To Invert.

With blog categories such as “Yoga,” “Sweat Life,” “Girl Boss” and “Wellness + Self Love” we are definitely keeping our eyes peeled for her first blog post!

“I like to write and share in a different way.”



Blue Ridge Hemp
Blue Ridge Nation

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