Mantra Monday XXV: Acknowledge When You’re Unwell

Blue Ridge Hemp
Blue Ridge Nation
Published in
2 min readJul 16, 2018

By: Joe Lizz

Whether it is pride, ego, fear, shame, or just human nature, it’s hard to acknowledge and accept when we are unwell.

We try to carry on, to live day-to-day as if we are okay, when internally we are slowly crying for help and wanting to take a break.

Here’s an important reminder:

Take. That. Break.

Like a lot of things in life, the first step to healing is looking at life straight on and acknowledging that you’re unwell, that there’s a problem, that you’ve experienced a trauma. That makes it real, makes it known, and makes it easier to not only seek help but to help ourselves as well.

Create an open dialogue, for yourself as well as others. Your honesty will mostly like do one of three things:

1. Help those who care for you better understand how to care for you.

2. Help educate people on what it’s like to be unwell, the importance of talking about it, and how to be supportive without overbearing.

3. Help others open up about their own struggles.

Focus on the people and relationships in your life that promote both acceptance and unconditional support. It’s important to surround yourself with people who are understanding, whether it’s because they’ve been there themselves or because they provide unconditional love and support.

Support comes in many forms: a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, company to appointments, even space. Remember that experiences like these are learning experiences for everyone, and that not everyone acts, sees, and experiences compassion and support the same way.

Don’t pretend to be ok for yourself. Don’t pretend to be ok for others. We’ve said it before and we will say it again: it’s ok to not be ok.

We humans have this bad habit of standing in our own way.

It may seem weird, and it may feel uncomfortable to be conscious and mindful when talking about things like anxiety, depression, and being unwell, but nonjudgmental awareness may be exactly what you need.

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At Blue Ridge Hemp Co. we produce CBD-infused natural care products for pain and wellness management. We are on a mission to empower through wellness, gratitude, and self care!

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Blue Ridge Hemp
Blue Ridge Nation

CBD Natural Care. We are focused on empowering individuals through wellness, knowledge, education, and by creating access to products, services & opportunities!