Mantra Monday XXVIII: Make Time to Just Be

Blue Ridge Hemp
Blue Ridge Nation
Published in
3 min readJul 2, 2018

Author: Joe Lizz

No, you didn’t read that wrong: make time to do nothing.

Call it your “resetting” time: a carved-out block of time where you don’t work, you don’t interact with people, you don’t think about your schedule or due-dates (as much as possible anyways) and you just be.

You are, after all, a human [BE]ing, and having down time without commitments is really important to your mental health and wellbeing.

Re-charging, resting, finding yourself amongst the chaos, allowing inspiration to take root, whatever you care to call it — call it and invite it into your life often. This time will give you a chance to not only re-energize yourself physically, but it invites new things to come your way.

When we step away from our normal, busy lives, new people and experiences have room to show up and the creative fire can be fueled.

Also spend this time to take note and pay attention to the urges you feel. Notice when and how often you feel the urge to check your phone and ask yourself — is it really necessary? Are you too reliant on it? Is it ruling too much of your time? What about picking up the remote and turning on the television? Leaving your house to go shopping?

It’s been said before, and it’ll be said again: you can’t pour and pour and pour from your own cup if you don’t also take the time to refill it.

I once was laying in the grass staring up at the sky when my then 5-year-old told me to get up and do something. I looked at him, smiled, and said “I know to you it doesn’t look like mommy is doing anything, but I promise you, one day, you’ll understand that in this moment I am doing a lot.”

It’ll probably be years before he understands that statement and how important it is when you are consistently doing multiple things at any given moment to create moments where you do nothing at all.

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At Blue Ridge Hemp Co. we produce CBD-infused natural care products for pain and wellness management. We are on a mission to empower through wellness, gratitude, and self care!

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Blue Ridge Hemp
Blue Ridge Nation

CBD Natural Care. We are focused on empowering individuals through wellness, knowledge, education, and by creating access to products, services & opportunities!