Media Consumption

Bobby Brow
Blues Before Noon
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2019

According to my media consumption over the last week, Instagram takes the cake as the app that I spent the majority of my time on which is no big surprise. Daily, I spent approximately 1 hour and 1 minute on the app with a total of 7 hours and 8 minutes for the week. I tend to get a lot of my news and information from Instagram, and in all honesty I am a bit of a lurker with Instagram. Recently, I started playing the billiards game “8 Ball,” and it quickly became my second most used app with a total of 5 hours and 54 minutes for the week and 50 minutes per day. I often find myself playing this game in my free time so it’s no surprise I racked up those kind of hours. Twitter is the third app that I am on the most with an average of 47 minutes a day and 5 hours and 34 minutes per week. I’m somewhat surprised that Twitter wasn’t number two on this list because I have found myself using it the app way more than I use to, once again primarily lurking on there.

Fourth on the list is Snapchat with a total of 20 minutes a day and 2 hours and 23 minutes per week. I think if the outlook was longer on this assignment, Snapchat’s usage would fluctuate more since there are times in the past I know I’ve used Snapchat more than what this analysis found. And lastly, Messages was my fifth most used app with 2 hours and 11 minutes for the week and 18 minutes a day. This wasn’t too much of a surprise to me since there isn’t a lot of people I spend too much time texting with. What I found interesting from this was that the majority of my time spent on my phone was on apps that didn’t involve communicating with someone, often it was spent on apps that I get news and information from like Twitter and Instagram. Another surprising tidbit I noticed was that on the weekend I spent less time on my phone than I did during the week, with only an average of around 3 hours per day on the weekend. Overall, I found these results to be very interesting and made me more aware of my phone usage.

