Rewriting using critique

Reduce Rewrite Time and Improve Faster

David Nevin
Blue Sea Writers
Published in
2 min readAug 24, 2021


The benefits of giving and getting critique

Photo by Maximilian Weisbecker on Unsplash

Improve your craft faster

So many pitfalls –especially with rewriting– can be directly attributed to not knowing what’s working in your text and what isn’t. You can only really understand the process of rewriting from learning and experience. Getting objective and actionable critique on your work in progress accelerates that learning.

We all need other eyes on our words.

This approach is valid for rewriting flash fiction, all the way up to a novel.

I’m convinced that giving and getting critique will improve your craft. In fact, I know it will, because that approach has served our writing group well, working on our own texts both long and short alike.

Good Critique will help to reduce rewrite time

You know writing is rewriting, but if you can’t see what’s working, what isn’t, and where to focus your rewrite, there’s a real possibility you’ll be going around in circles for a long time. This can get pretty frustrating, pretty fast.

You can save yourself a lot of time and heartache if you get some insights into work in progress before you rewrite it. Learning more and faster means you can use these insights in your future works too.

Your early drafts will be better for it.

Wrapping Up

You’ll get a lot out of critiquing and it can be a effective tool to help you achieve your writing goals.

If you want to try it out, our writing group has a free critique exchange at We welcome fiction writers looking to exchange critique on works between 300 and 8,000 words.

If you find yourself dreading your rewrites, it’s likely you’re not clear on what you are trying to achieve. Participating in a critique exchange will help you improve your writing, fast, both for your current work in progress and your future pieces.

