Give the gift of creativity and inspiration to kids with all kinds of interests!

Antonio Rowry Blog
2 min readAug 21, 2021


If you have a child or student who loves STEM and fun activities, give the gift of creativity and inspiration to kids with all kinds of interests, from future engineers, coders and scientists, to budding botanist and biologist! We pique the interest of children from Pre-K to 12th grade in these areas of study, and help encourage children to continue within these fields as they grow and learn. Blue Studios is a dynamic resource: adaptable and applicable in school, after school and at home.

Blue Studios Family’s

Access our kid-approved accelerated approach, thats aligned with Next Generation Science Standards (#NGSS), national common core standards, and supported by teachers.

Explore a world of fun with your subscription! Families watch 1,000s of classes taught by the best instructors, and earn cool prizes while they learn!

Try us free for 30 days, cancel anytime, and find out about all Blue Studios offers today here.

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Blue Studios Member Parent.



Antonio Rowry Blog

Building Previously, BLUE1647 & @DePaulU. Building ventures that make the world better. Life plan = loop { create_value(); impact_lives(); }