Learn to Code while Building a Poptastic Game!

Antonio Rowry
BlueStudios.io Blog
2 min readAug 21, 2021

This fun and engaging educational Kid Coder activity lesson introduces kids to the world of coding through a game they love. Colorfully personalized themes, easy-to-follow instructions, and screencasts from an expert peer while creating a video game brings the excitement of coding to life. With adventures that include design, animation, gaming, and more, learners discover tons of ways coding connects to other activities they love and how far a little imagination and invention can take them!

Kid Coder Series and activities.

More reasons families love Kid Coder

  • Video game-themed activities help kids become master coders.
  • Kid-friendly concepts and steps designed specifically for ages 7–12.
  • Great games, experiments, and more teach computational thinking — how to tackle large problems by breaking them down into a sequence of smaller, more manageable problems.

Whether brand new to coding or looking for more hands-on learning, our Kid Coder series for coding helps young coders advance in technology education by leaps and bounds — and have fun doing it! Explore the world of fun coding and more with your subscription! Families watch 1,000s of classes taught by the best instructors, and earn cool prizes while they learn!

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Antonio Rowry
BlueStudios.io Blog

Building BlueStudios.io. Previously, BLUE1647 & @DePaulU. Building ventures that make the world better. Life plan = loop { create_value(); impact_lives(); }