November updates — Price extension, Onchain refill and more

Nuno Coelho
Published in
2 min readNov 26, 2019

We have been busy building, that’s a good way to be busy and we haven’t update the blog in awhile, so here it is, an update on the latest releases 😃

We’ve release to production versions 4.5.2, 4.6.0, 4.7.0, 4.7.1 and 4.8.0. These versions include minor new features, bug fixes and user experience improvements. Lots of polishing and small tweaks to make bluewallet more solid and a better free open source product for the community.

Bitcoin wallet — follow price extension

New features

  • Today Price Extension
  • Quick Actions
  • Send max option on advanced menu
  • Onchain refill view for Lightning
  • Amount and description to the success screen on Lightning
  • Optional biometrics unlock
  • Cryptoadvance HW wallet support (for BIP84) via PSBT and QR codes
  • Default into wallet on launch
  • Reintroduce the Lapp browser on iOS
  • Better initial HD rescan
  • New nemonic backup screen
Bitcoin wallet — new features

Removed features

With the feedback sometimes features got to go, which is fine. See you! 👋

  • Auto brightness

Fixed bugs

A huge amount of bugs squashed, thanks to all the feedback and issues opened!

  • Allow textfield to be visible above keyboard
  • Lapp browser when typing URL without https scheme
  • Layout for small devices
  • Don’t allow zero invoices to enable create invoice button
  • Change create button on Receive LN payment should be create invoice
  • Update for watch
  • Electrum connection
  • LApp marketplace address is now editable
  • Single address watch-only wallet Receive button crash
  • NaN when sending onchain
  • Zero on send success screen
  • Time shown for top-most transaction
  • Issue with scanQrWif
  • Typo on NL language
  • Better wallet export QR readability
  • RBF tx memo porting
  • White screen on boot
  • Lightning wallet was not shown on Watch app
  • Crash on PSBT tx broadcast (when using with hardware wallet)

We are a small team of Bitcoin users trying to help on how to bring Bitcoin to the people and the people to Bitcoin, through beautifully crafted open source software. How can you help?

  • Are you a developer? Here is the place.
  • Not a developer. Give us a review on the app stores, that helps immensely. Join our beta access and help us test and bug fix. Provide feedback.
  • Are you a Bitcoin OG investor and you believe in what we are building? Drop me a line (

Thank you for reading and any feedback, comments, thoughts and violent reactions, I’m all yours. See you around!



Nuno Coelho

I love the internet - Product Manager and Product Designer. Co-founder @