Quantum Blogger
Blunt But Effective
2 min readAug 27, 2016


It is pathetic this is the choice before us. Donald Trump has no business running for the mayor of a small town, let alone President of the United States.

The Republican Party and their “party unity fears,” the two-party system in general, the news media and their perpetuating of the circus, and our system of primaries with its real-world requirements that put certain people on and keep others off the ballots — HAVE FAILED US. They are in need of a rethink.

America is better than this. We’re better than this. I don’t care what party you profess to love. Our country is more important than your party or your damn party messaging points!

Hopefully we see the break-up of both major parties and the addition of strong term limits in Congress, so we can allow the fringe politicians who don’t come close to representing the majority of conservative or liberal Americans, to go to the outer edges. Launch two more parties, centrist parties, parties full of people with the willingness to listen, to compromise and to solve problems without worry of how many times they’ll be re-elected. So they’re not constantly groveling at the feet of lobbyists or constantly harping on guns, taxes, and abortion. As if we have no other problems to solve!

This election can’t be over soon enough and I hope I never see another one like it as long as I live in this country. Again, to hell with your party unity and your party ideals: all they’ve done for the last 30 years is fail us!



Quantum Blogger
Blunt But Effective

Just another middle-age suburban guy who has lived in different parts, has always enjoyed writing, and whose friends keep telling him to start a blog.