Quantum Blogger
Blunt But Effective
2 min readMar 11, 2017


We as a country have to be very alert with Steve Bannon helping run the show. (And I know there have to be a decent number of Republicans among those 60-odd million voters who are human beings and agree — they can’t all think he’s a good guy.)

He’s a very clever guy and a student of history. That means he knows part of his self-styled duty as a person who wants to whiten up America a little, is to do things in a way that will trip as few alarm bells as possible. These clowns are going to start small and build up their new state. Just like taking people’s privacy away bit by bit in recent years (govt, telecomms, etc).

They’re going to get better and better at hiding stuff, and discrediting completely credible news sources, while trumping up (pun intended) their own unvetted (IMO), BS outlets. If you’re Bannon, Trump, and Sessions, and you try to pull a fast one, making big changes all at once, people will lose their minds. Think the first immigration ban only on a much larger scale. They know this. Instead they will take a little at a time and couch it as a means of ‘keeping people safe,’ or ‘protecting jobs,’ or whatever the BS excuse of the day is… suddenly people don’t react so harshly and not as many people in general.

Hell Bannon already put himself on the NSC and our brilliant media was done with that bit in a week. We sent him the big OK to forge ahead. Sweep away some vigilant judges and prosecutors over here, obscure rule changes over there, periodic executive orders (which the press will no doubt tire of covering), pause, rinse and repeat.

Oh hey that worked better that time! Then you take another bit and you push another order through. Then six months later another, then another. Then two or three years on you look back as a citizen and see what you allowed to happen perhaps can’t be undone without drastic actions.

I am not a partisan, nor a fan of either party — and I’m not a fan of the Clintons (no hate for them either), but what we have done to the Executive Branch this election should scare the hell out of everyone who isn’t a clueless coal miner or aging bigot who remembers “the good ole days” and wants them back. Or math-stunted individual who thinks Obama was a communist working for the UN.

Those people can continue living in their fantasy world. The rest of us have to stomp these policy actions out one bad law / order at a time until this jerk and his posse get impeached, or until he leaves office.



Quantum Blogger
Blunt But Effective

Just another middle-age suburban guy who has lived in different parts, has always enjoyed writing, and whose friends keep telling him to start a blog.