Play the Game

Prompt 21— Write a Comedic Situation

Zack Hamburg
Blunt Draft
2 min readNov 14, 2020


In 500 words or less, write a comedic situation. If you get stuck, this is what helps me.

Start by building a premise as follows: This is the situation, but this is the twist.

For example: A man is taking a cab, but he thinks the driver might be blind.

She walked into the bar with a merchant’s look. These men were merely a resource to be used. She intently walked up to the nearest guy at the bar.

“You look like someone who loves some competition.”

He turned and looked her up and down, and his eyes grew large.

“Well sure, for the right prize.” He smirked.

“That’s just what I thought.” She gestured to the bartender. “I’ll get two more of whatever he’s having.”

She sat down next to him at the end of the bar by a brick wall. She passed him another wheat beer. He said something and she laughed.

She said, “I like games. Would you play with me?” She put her hand on his arm.

He said, “What are the odds I’ll score tonight?”

“I don’t know, but if you play your cards right…” She said and winked somewhat sheepishly.

“I may be on the road to find out”, he said with a grin.

“He’s a winner!”

Later they took a cab back to her apartment. They walked up the steps, and she held the door open. He stepped inside.

There were two people sitting at a small table that had a hexagonal board game on it.

“Umm… What the…?” He said.

“Oh you don’t want to play?” she said.

“Well I thought you were…. We were… “

“Oh! No, I’m married. We just needed a fourth for Settlers of Catan.”

