
This is your brain-a Maersk advertisement on our reptilian brain.

3 min readSep 10, 2019


“Who survives? The one who adapts, or the one who never changes?”

This video from the world’s largest container shipping company MAERSK grabs our attention immediately, answering the origin of questions and comments like “What an absolutely bizarre thing for an intermodal shipping company to produce.” with “Is that the reptilian brain speaking?”

A bold, fierce, and one of its kind creative commercial that bolted the social media and changed the way most of the logistics company’s approach to advertise their visions. But what in specific made people appreciate the commercial the way it is? Would you put the blame on the artsy visuals or the entirety of concept that directly questions every individual’s mind?

Change v/s intuition. An outrageous, yet silent war we partake in on an everyday basis, almost like a schedule now. This ad, in just 3 minutes, changes the way we fight this war. That’s what makes it so empowering and praiseworthy. Talking about the concept of the ad, the elements that compliment every second, be it the expressions of ‘change’ bold and fearless, or that of ‘reptilian brain’ stubborn yet marking its territory, and special appearance of the character at reception, though in charge of the flow of thoughts yet incapable of stopping an idea, any idea, for that matter, makes it simply unique.

The concept of using our Brain & a Change which comes to the brain as: two people, metaphorically having a conversation is commendable. The advertisement starts with an excellent depiction of our brain- through a place with lots of doors, positioned symmetrically on both sides of a corridor. It depicts how the brain thinks a lot in its own chaotic yet organized

The reptilian brain- which is apparently considered to be associated with fear triggers, is shown as an old man, who is polishing his shoes- which shows how relaxed he is until Change arrives.Change is shown as a confident woman, who is desperately trying to convince the reptilian brain about the new idea which is there in her head.

The advertisement is for a logistics company, obviously dealing with a lot of thinking which involves the brain. It makes the audience more interested in the company as it is shown how thinking about an idea or a change could be more appealing & intense, and it is not only about fear & failure. The conversation takes a turn from the reptilian brain not at all up to welcome Change- to the Change convincing the reptilian brain for another try. It is something which everyone would relate to and therefore a connection is built with a deep conversation- even if it is too complicated because the message is to show how you should end up adapting to changes and not fear them.

A drawback of such complicated idea is that the shortened version of the ad (which is 30 seconds) is confusing & the message behind the idea does not communicate through.

It is overall, an old concept with a conversation which is intriguing enough for you to stick it to the brain. That means a brain inside a brain talking to a brain of a brain, about an idea in a brain. Too much to understand? Ya, this is your reptilian brain talking to you, haha!




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