Creative Outbreak in the Locked-up Times

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4 min readJun 6, 2020

It has been over 2 months and we have already stepped in the season 5 of this national lockdown and it has not been easy. In this highly interconnected world, where buying simplest of commodities trace back to a full human chain, the idea of escaping a communicable pandemic demands a lot of patience. So, in these troubled times where we wake up to yet another horrid update on the news every day, how do we really keep sane? Looking through the window of the house (now proclaimed as a prison/cage by many), the falling of leaves by the tree on road reminded of an ancient Mesopotamian tale called “Appointment in Samarra”.

According to this story, a merchant in Baghdad sent his servant to the marketplace for provisions. Soon afterwards, the servant ran in, white as a sheet. He said: “Master, just now in the marketplace, I was jostled by a woman in the crowd. When I looked closer, I realised that it was Death who made a threatening gesture towards me.” Trembling with fear, the servant asked the merchant to let him borrow his fastest horse so he could flee to Samarra, a town more than one hundred kilometres away, where he believed Death would not be able to find him. Sometime later, a bit annoyed but also curious, the merchant walked to the marketplace and found Death. He asked her why she had made such a threatening gesture. She replied, “It was only a sign of great surprise. I was astonished to see him in Baghdad for I have an appointment with him tonight in Samarra.”

The moral if you ask is simple, fate of all mortal lives is inevitable, and maybe we spend too much time worrying and running away from it. The only way to survive, is to live at the best of our capabilities with whatever we have.

Coming put of the books, the real challenge is how do we keep our work life in place? Who knows if all these efforts we put in today are even going to last as long as tomorrow? Where does the motivation come from? Dwelling further in the creative line of industry as we are in, there has been a constant debate if the pandemic is going to kill the creative industry first with all its restrictions and compromises, or if the complex minds will twirl their way out of the global crisis just as beautifully as it has been making its way so far. Sulking in the same 4 walls and still being able to come up with something creative, is that really a good idea?

Content, we believe, is a power, that can thrive through anything, literally anything. From the legendary hymns to the graves of local artists, every road has so much of creativity coming out of it. This too, shall pass! If we talk about this digital era in specific, this pandemic witnessed a major outbreak of creativity from the holes and cracks of the global trap. Not only do we see a rise in the people actually watching and appreciating movies and series, brands too have been coming up with more and more idea to stay in the line and spread a positive message to one and all. Here are some of those examples:

Fighting something as big as a pandemic starts with very small steps. Personal or professional, keeping your inner self active can be a task. The key to cope up with any kind of circumstance is to always stay out of the box — of the rooms and within yourself inside which your mind tries to hide. Fight the real monster, the voice in you that says it can’t be done. We suggest you use this time to connect and reconnect not only with others but with yourself. Sketch, paint, learn Mandarin, do a full-fledged course if you must, but never stop.

Afterall, Corona mei Kch Achha Karo na

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