Your Breakup To Do List Part I

Kali Rogers
Blush Online Life Coaching
5 min readAug 12, 2016

Your Breakup To-Do List Part I.

Breakups suck. It doesn’t matter if it lasted two weeks or two years — any form of rejection is enough to make us realize we don’t want to feel it again. Not to mention, getting over the sting is really tough, especially by yourself. That’s why the Blush coaches have put together your official breakup to-do list to get you out of this rut. An ex should NEVER take away your light — so let’s get you back to feeling like yourself again.

Here is your *official* breakup to-do list!

1. Stop communication.

We mean it! No texting, no calling, no coffee dates, and definitely no friendship chats. We know it’s really easy to make excuses to see him…”I want closure,” “I need my insignificant item back” or even the casual “Oh…we’re just catching up!”

I’ve been there, believe me. We all have. All this is doing is keeping you in limbo. You can’t move forward because you’re still talking to him, but you can’t go back because the relationship ended. You’re stuck.

We definitely get that it’s natural to want to reach out, and we know a few texts seem harmless. They bring comfort, memories, and hope. But that is short lived!

You-are-not-being-nice-to-yourself-by-talking-to-him. You inevitably relive the break up all over again once the texting ends, and you erase all of your hard earned progress! No more.

One a side note…silence is the most powerful tool in existence, and your best friend. Get mad at me all you want, but if you stop responding…? No ma’am. Use this to your advantage the next time you think about picking up your phone!

2. No stalking him on social media.

No creepin’ on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat…and whatever else is out there. Perception is reality, and if you see him via social media, you may as well be seeing him in the flesh (and we already vetoed that-nice try). If you have amazing self-control and can stop yourself from stalking, you deserve 1,000 sprinkled cookies! However, if you don’t, it’s cool. Put up post-it notes on your computer as a reminder, or temporarily delete the Instagram app on your iPhone. Too much? NO. This is SURIOUS.

Lastly, you could even block him. I know, I know, extreme. I like the “hide” feature on my Facebook (that’s definitely come in handy). Whatever you do, block or no block, don’t worry about anyone else’s reaction (get a hobby dudes) and just take care of yourself. You don’t need to see him moving on, because you’re too busy moving on yourself. So…guh bye.

3. Think of all the reasons why your life is better now.

And there are reasons, many of them. Go ahead girl, watch Revenge. He’s not here to roll his eyes. Wear that purple eye shadow! Who cares if it’s “too much”? Absolutely reunite with your girlfriends who you kind of forgot to call back (oops!). Most importantly, go back to feeling good about yourself. He didn’t see all the good in you, and that’s a shame. You, however, know better than that. You are enough. And besides, True Detective has missed your viewership while you were watching football on Sunday night. Welcome back.

4. Every time you want to text him, email your coach or call your friend.

Ok so we know we totally went off on you during to-do point #1, but we also know you decided to follow it, right? Meaning…you aren’t going to call him (or you are going to TRY). So, to make it easy, you should let us help along the way. Talk to us! Message us! Write us! You are NOT bugging us, and if you are bugging your friend, she sucks anyway. Sorry.

5. Listen to angry girl songs.

You know…Adele, Haim, Lorde, even Alanis. All but Alanis are on our Spotify playlist (she’s a little old school) so go ahead, listen away! Fun fact: most of those girls wrote their own songs, and they’ve been through a break up or two before (cough, cough, Taylor Swift). It’s very cathartic to sing your butt off to a song that relates to you. I know I’ve listened to a few of these gems over the years…and whether I want to admit it or not, they do help.

6. Glam it up.

Dye your hair ombre, buy new heels, put on that bright pink lipstick (there is one from Mac that is literally called “Girls Night Out”…and of course I own it). We know true beauty shines from the inside out, but sometimes you can’t beat feeling fabulous. And that is perfect.

7. Be a cliché for a night…or five.

Rent a good movie, eat chocolate, invite your girlfriends over, and cry your eyes out. You have our permission. Many hate to admit it, but feeling sorry for yourself is part of life. However, holding onto those emotions for over a week can be toxic. Sooooo, make sure you give this pity party a good run! We don’t get to do it very often!

Ok, we’re going to stop and give you a break! Work on this to-do list for the week, and we will give you another 7 things to do before Valentine’s Day. That way, you’ll be in good shape to be happy and cynical like the rest of us!

And remember, you are our Valentine (whether you like it or not).

Going through a break up? We know, they’re awful. Sign up today and we’ll help you heal from the past and look forward to the future!

Originally published at on August 12, 2016.

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Breakups are tough, girl. Let us help make it easier with our best ‘moving on’ advice:

How to Leave a Relationship Without Feeling Guilty

How to Survive A Difficult Breakup

Six Ways to Quiet Your Anxiety Over Being Single



Kali Rogers
Blush Online Life Coaching

Kali Rogers is the CEO, Founder, and Janitor of Blush-– an online life coaching company for millennial females (