How I Studied For (and Passed!) The Board of Governor’s Exam

Experience its supporting actors…

Board of Governors


Photo by Lysander Yuen on Unsplash

I passed the Board of Governor’s (BOG) exam on the first attempt. It wasn’t with flying colors, but I’m proud of the accomplishment nevertheless.

Below are the tools I used and my thoughts on each. These are not affiliate links; they’re just to show what I used.


I bought these based on my experience with the practice test I found online.


  1. They encapsulate complicated topics that we experience in a highly enmeshed way. (ie: Gave me a clean definition of something like CQM)
  2. They come with an online version through Quizlet that has associated tests you can take anywhere you bring your phone
  3. They’re very broad (you get a box of flashcards the size of a stack of bricks)
  4. They make an easy gift you can pay forward


  1. The test itself wasn’t very “definition” heavy, it was more application and concept.
  2. If you aren’t a flashcard person to begin with, these will not change your mind.

Would I use them again?



Board of Governors

I get stuff out of my brain by writing about it.