Which Emerging AI Apps are Set to Dominate the Market in 2023?

Board of UX
Board of UX
Published in
3 min readMay 15, 2023
artificial intelligence
AI powered apps

As I sip my morning chai on the bustling streets of Mumbai, I can’t help but marvel at how the world around us is constantly transforming. AI — the magical genie of our time, is reshaping our lives in ways we never imagined. Let’s delve into the emerging AI apps that are set to rule the roost in 2023.

1. HealthTech AI Apps

Health apps
Healthtech Platforms

Healthcare has never been more accessible. Thanks to AI-powered apps like ‘LifeAI’, a virtual health assistant, we can get real-time health insights, schedule appointments, and even receive personalized fitness advice — all from the comfort of our homes.

2. EdTech AI Apps

Ed-Tech platforms

Learning has truly become a joyride. With AI apps like ‘EduBuddy’, personalized learning experiences are becoming a reality. From customized lesson plans to real-time feedback, we are witnessing a revolution in education.

3. FinTech AI Apps

Fintech Platforms

Navigating the financial landscape is no longer a daunting task. AI-powered financial apps like ‘MoneyGuide’ are simplifying financial planning, offering personalized investment advice, and making wealth management as easy as ordering a samosa!

4. E-commerce AI Apps

Imagine walking into a store that knows exactly what you want. That’s what AI-powered e-commerce apps like ‘ShopEase’ are doing. They offer personalized shopping experiences, product recommendations, and even virtual try-ons.

5. Social Impact AI Apps

AI is also making strides in social impact. Apps like ‘GreenLife’ are helping us lead sustainable lives by tracking our carbon footprint and offering eco-friendly alternatives.

As I finish my chai and prepare to face the day, I feel a sense of exhilaration. We are at the cusp of a new era, an era where AI is our ally, guiding us, empowering us, and transforming our lives. So, let’s embrace these emerging AI apps and look forward to a promising 2023!

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#AIApps2023, #HealthTech, #EdTech, #FinTech, #Ecommerce, #SocialImpact

Emerging AI Apps, AI in Healthcare, AI in Education, AI in Finance, AI in E-commerce, AI for Social Impact



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Board of UX

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