Resumes should really be YOUR data

Golang + —( Job) Board Engines
2 min readApr 25, 2019

Since the internet exists, but much more since social media is everywhere, Personal Data Privacy and Data Ownership is a hot topic. Not everywhere on the world the same way, but people care everywhere.

For sure there are different levels of need to take care of our own data or data which others store about us (yes, this difference we should do, as much data stored out there is not coming from us, but about us).

Extremely sensitive data, in a not complete list could be:

  • Healthy Data
  • Credit / Finance Data
  • Security Related Data, like Credentials
  • and Resume Data

Yup, Resume Data, what you write in your CV, eg as a Full-Stack Developer, is not just about where you worked, but interests, address and a lot of other stuff, you not always want to give to anybody. Now… It’s very common and very helpfully for Job Candidates to have Online Resumes with this data, post them on different platforms eg for Developer Job Candidates etc.

Now. Of course you can not let this data hidden, you need to send them to other persons and putting them online makes also much sense.


You must make sure, that where you send and where you post and publish your data, you are always able to delete this data permanently, download what data is stored about you. That’s part of GDPR in European country, but not 100% that way when you are in most other countries, including USA and Canada.

Me, doing Full-Stack Developer Job Board, developing the new Resume Builder for Full-Stack Developer Candidates put this as top priority and feature. That you have the edit and delete button and can be sure, clicking on them, it really happen, that your valuable data get deleted, if you want to do so. Other point is personal contact data (like phone number, email). Much Candidate Resume Boards show them to anybody. Can be ok, but I will have another approach. Such personal data is only visible to registered and checked Recruiters/HR Stuff and after your OK, case by case. That makes sense. Showing data only to whom you want.

Are you a Full-Stack Developer and want to build, post and control your Resume/CV/Profile ?
Here you go:

Added promised above, I want to take Privacy for Users, mainly Candidates, really serious.

Today I release "Privacy Settings" on Full-Stack Developers Resume Builder:

Privacy Settings Full-Stack Developer Online Resume Builder

