What’s the Difference Between Board Games Like Chess, Art, and Science?

Tony Berard
Board Games and Cards


In all three areas, you can have superlative geniuses. We have all heard of Michelangelo and Da Vinci, of course. Have you ever heard of Emanuel Lasker? Have you ever heard of Vera Menchik? These were two very powerful chess players. Lasker was the world chess champion for 27 years, and Vera Menchik was the Women’s World Chess Champion for 17 years. If you were to play them a game of chess, it is clear that the outcome could only go one way.

Emanuel Lasker (left) and his brother Berthold Lasker in 1907

Art is different, though. There isn’t a clear winner and loser like in chess or other popular board or card games. We just appreciate the work of the artist as they capture some slice of reality for us. A recent artist, though, has images so life-like, it looks like they are photographs. Which artist is the greatest? This is quite difficult to answer because of the lack of clear criteria that determine such a thing. However, when you are in front of a masterpiece, it is generally acknowledged that you know it when you see it.

I asked Google who was the greatest sculptor of all time:



Tony Berard
Board Games and Cards

I have lately been constructing arguments against God and the supernatural. I have proven that stuff doesn't exist with science equations. I aspire to be great.