What is a GD & What are the Most Common GD Topics?

Board Infinity
Board Infinity
Published in
4 min readApr 2, 2021

Group Discussion or GD as it is more commonly known, is a method of an interview or a method of gauging your ability.

It is a methodology or in a simple language you may call it an interview process or a group activity. It is used as one of the best tools to select the prospective candidates in a comparative perspective. GD may be used by an interviewer at an organization, colleges or even at different types of management competitions.

In this methodology, the group of candidates are given few GD topics or hypothetical scenarios, given a few minutes to think about the same, and then asked to discuss the topic among themselves for 15–20 minutes.

Below we’ll also be giving you some tips to help you perform better at GD’s.


A GD is a methodology used by an organization to gauge whether the candidate has certain personality traits and/or skills that it desires in its members.

It is often done with a common objective where people share their ideas about particular GD topics, leading to massive information exchange.

But first… Here are some of the most common GD topics:

Current Affairs GD Topics:

  • COVID-19: Impact on Global Economy
  • COVID-19: Importance of Spending more money on Public Health Measures
  • Online education, work from home: Have we arrived in virtual world
  • Coronavirus and lockdown has exposed social inequality in modern India
  • Is India ready for Electric Vehicles?

Technology GD Topics:

  • Impact of technology on jobs in India
  • Impact of Demonetisation
  • What is the Future of Cryptocurrency?
  • IT Industry — Will it create more jobs in the future?
  • Will AI transform the future?
  • Ban on Chinese Apps in India.
  • Is Technology making us less human?
  • Zero Budget Natural Farming.
  • Data Localisation — Benefits & Challenges.
  • How can we utilize technology to tackle Financial crimes?
  • Can Artificial intelligence replace Human intelligence?
  • Big Data and Information Privacy — A future challenge.

Abstract GD Topics:

  • Hard work vs. Smart work
  • Work-life Balance is Not Possible
  • Ethics or Profit?
  • Haste makes waste.
  • Borderless world — a myth/reality?
  • Food is more important than Ethics.
  • Good things come from good thinking.
  • Every cloud has a silver lining.

Social Issues GD Topics:

  • Social Media — Impact on humans and society
  • Views on Current Education System?
  • National Anthems before Movies
  • Climate Change and Pollution
  • Views on Retirement Homes?

Knowing a few GD topics, keeping them in the back of your head, and practicing them from time to time could prove to be very useful. It’s easier to speak about GD topics if you’ve thought about the same topic beforehand.

A group discussion generally goes something like this.

There are usually more than 4–5 candidates sitting in a circle. A moderator discloses the topic and gives 10 minutes in all for everyone to prepare their points for or against the particular topic.

If you start the GD, nothing like it, but if you don’t then you also need to listen actively. All this is presented to a group of panelists who will grade you basis your performance.

Now, why are GDs important and why do companies and management colleges keep conducting them?

The main reason is that it’s a very quick and efficient way to judge and eliminate candidates. While the discussion is going on, the panelists observe candidates for various skills…

What are the various skills judged in a GD?

• How good you are at communicating with other

• How easily you behave and interact with the other group members

• How open-minded you are

• How flexible or rigid you are in accepting the viewpoints of others in the group

• Your leadership skills

• Your analytical abilities

• Problem-solving & critical thinking skills

• Time management skills

• Your skills at putting forth your ideas in an unbiased manner

• Social attitude and confidence

These qualities are necessary for an individual to succeed as a manager or an administrator. This way, judging and eliminating candidates becomes easier. Your problem-solving skills and team-player skills will really make all the difference.

During a GD, you always need to remember it’s not a debate but merely an expression of opinion. In the time allotted you need to jot down all your points in an orderly manner and rehearse what to talk in your mind.

Tips to perform better in the GD:

  • Think about the topic calmly and write down all the points you remember about it and all that which would give you strong points to talk about
  • Start if possible & Try to lead the discussion
  • Speak in a polite tone
  • Focus on your topic of discussion and do not digress
  • Don’t pick up a fight
  • Keep a good body language — sit straight, make eye contact with all audience and don’t fidget with anything
  • Do not go overboard in exhibiting your knowledge even if you know the topic well
  • Do not interrupt other members when they are speaking
  • Do not feel less confident just because a speaker prior to you has presented the points more effectively than you
  • Make sure you read newspapers every day and stay updated with general knowledge
  • Control your emotions

If you want to learn more about group discussion, Check out our completely free GD Preparation Course and master the skill to stand out in the Group Discussion round. GD round carries significant weight in the selection process therefore our coach has curated actionable GD techniques & strategies to help you get a step closer to your dream job or college. You’ll learn about verbal, non-verbal techniques, How to start a GD, about GD topics, and more. At the end of the course, Get Certification and be fully prepared to appear of GD.

