gets a new look for the new school year

Sylvain Dore
Published in
4 min readSep 1, 2020

Hi Boardelers!

Hope you are well and you succeed in to facilitate more and more workshops!

It’s back to school for many of you and for us too. The activity on is increasing and we are very happy about it.

For this new school year, we are making a new look, on the newsletter but also on the platform. We hope that this new format will be of more interest to you. Do not hesitate to give us your feedback by answering it. Enjoy reading!

Since this summer, we are on youtube 😍

For those who missed these events, you can always find the videos on our youtube channel. gets a new look 🥳

2 weeks ago, we explained you we detected two challenges to solve on :
- How to make contributors more visible?
- How to help contributors add or create more relevant content with their workshop?

Here is a first iteration and we hope you will like it!
We redesigned all components and pages that can highlight more each facilitator.
Please, go to discover it and share feedback with us. 🤩

Discover new problem framing workshops 🧰

The back-to-school season is ringing with new projects, that’s why we present you the latest workshops shared by the community to frame your problems or those of your customers. Don’t hesitate to like or comment on them to support each facilitator 😍

Explore more problem framing workshops 👉 here

If you shared a Miro template, you have to read that 🔗

We have recently detected that some people cannot use the miro template you shared. The problem comes from Miro owner politics. It to share a template that people can duplicate.
To solve this problem, We first invite you to :
- Go to Miro and lock the content of the template
- Change the sharing parameters of the template “View only” by “Edit”

Normally, you are the only one who can unlock the content and edit it. So facilitators who will discover your template only can copy and paste your board in Miro.

Fortunately, You can vote to change that!

Miro users already submitted this new feature to vote, Please vote to share easier your next templates.

👏Finally, we would like to thank you a lot for your support!👏

We would like to thank you for your interest, your feedback and contribution! Your remote workshops template are more and more impressive!

Also, don’t hesitate to contact us: we’re always happy to chat!

See you soon! Team

