Investor Relations using Waccal

Board Room
Published in
5 min readAug 20, 2019

At Waccal, we have worked with founders and investors from all over the world to provide a platform that enables founders and Investor Relations (IR) representatives to be involved in IR regularly, without much effort at all, but still produce quality output (i.e. updates, financial earnings report, PR Release, etc.). Here is how we do it.

But first. ☝️

Keeping your investors updated

A great deal of caution 🚧 should be used when updating your investor. All of your investors, doesn’t matter how much capital they have given you or what percentage of the company they own, should all get the updates at the same exact time. It can be tempting to send updates to only the top investors or the ones who have pro rata (rights to be first investors in next round) rights. But remember, this can be seen as favoring one over the other and the last thing you want is your own investors to be upset or stop caring about you. Plus, law suits are expensive, and they suck!

“They [investors] should all get the same information, they should get it in the same time, they should get it with the same degree of candor, regardless of the amount of shares they own.” — Warren Buffett


Make company announcements often and control who sees them. Companies can create and release professional announcements to stakeholders and outsiders. Did you hire your first employee or expand your office internationally? No news is little news. While your investors may not be involved every day, they still like to know what’s happening. When investors don’t receive their updates, they become alarmed and start to lose trust. Let’s not go there!

With each announcement, you can add attachments and target who sees 👀your announcement. Some announcements you may want the public to see (i.e. Product update, new funding round, or open positions) and can make a public announcement. While other announcements you may only want your investors and/or employees to see (i.e. Financial earnings report, help needed, or employee stock ownership plan changes). For those, you can send a private announcement to just your investors and/or employees.

It’s easy as 1, 2, 3, Send!

1. Go to your Home app and click on the announcement text box. 🏠

2. In the To field, select your audience and in the Purpose field, select the purpose of your announcement. 📢

3. Add any pictures or attachments and type away. If you are using QuickBooks or any other accounting software, you can easily download your financial documents and attach them to this report. 📎

Hit the send button! Your announcement is now sent. Your target audience will receive a notification on Waccal and an email. ✉️

For companies who want to gain viability, visibility, and traction with an audience that is currently not in their own network, they can promote their announcements. Here is how.

Before the announcement is released:

1. In the To field, select who you want to send it to in the Public Outside Network section. You can select more than one.

Hit the send button! Your announcement is now promoted. Your target audience will receive a notification on Waccal and an email. ✉️

After the announcement is released:

1. Click on the More option (three dots) on your announcement.

2. Select Promote from the list.

3. In the Audience drop down, select who you want to send it to in the Public Outside Network section. You can select more than one.

Hit the confirm button! Your announcement is now promoted. Your target audience will receive a notification on Waccal and an email. ✉️


Consistent earnings reporting is your fiduciary responsibility. You no longer have to worry about remembering to release your company’s earnings, emailing it to your stakeholders, or keeping the stakeholders updated on when you will release them. Waccal makes this not annoying 😅 by creating a reporting cycle on your terms and keeping your stakeholders informed.

The first time you go onto your Financials app, you will be asked for the following data:

· Fiscal Year Ending Date

· Reporting Frequency (i.e. monthly, quarterly, etc.)

· Schedule Release After (number of days between your reporting date and the actual release)

That’s it! 🙌 Three simple attributes and the rest Waccal does automatically:

· You will receive a notification from Waccal days in advance of your earnings report.

· You will be notified if an earnings report was missed on your end.

· Waccal will send a notification and email to your investors when the earnings report is released.

· If you update your earnings report, Waccal will send a notification and email to your investors regarding the updated release.

Tip: With each release of your financial earnings report, it is also a good time for you to include a brief announcement to give your investors some context.

If you received capital through equity crowdfunding, you can link your IR webpage to your Waccal account and meet part of the regulatory requirement. 👍


Create a document center for your company and control its access. Don’t go on an exploration every time you need to chase down a corporate document for an employee, tax purposes, or due diligence to name a few. Manage them in one spot and give access to them with a click of a button. Not only is this efficient, it also ensures that it is not being distributed improperly.

When a new document is uploaded, or an existing document is updated, Waccal will send a notification and an email to your stakeholders automatically. They will be sent a link to this document 📜, so that their emails aren’t clogged with attachments and they will always have the latest and greatest.

If you are fundraising through equity crowdfunding, proper reporting of changes to documents during the fundraise is crucial and a regulatory requirement. With Waccal notifications and emails, you will meet part of the regulatory requirement. 👍

Waccal for Investor Relations

Waccal not only makes managing IR easy for you, but through effective IR, you increase your chance of success and potential for follow-on funding, while reducing your cost of capital. Win-win! Join others on the platform who are already seeing results. It’s free to get started. 😊 💃

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