Version 1.0: The Launch

Board Room
Published in
5 min readJun 7, 2018

Our team is proud to say that Waccal is officially launched! We want to send special thanks to the 100+ early adopters and beta testers for the support and feedback throughout the development process. 🙌

How to get started

Well what are you waiting for? Sign up! When you sign up, you will be assigned a number. This number indicates how many users are on the platform. Will you be one of the first 9 users to sign up and be assigned a single digit number?

When you first sign up, you will have created an individual user account and will be automatically sent to your Settings page. Here you can enter your personal information, select a Username, and select if you are a Surfer or an Angel Investor. 👼

If you belong to a startup/company or an investment company/group, you can create an entity by clicking on Create Entity button located on the upper right-hand corner of the platform. Like an individual account, when you create an entity account, you will be automatically sent to the entity’s Settings page. Here you can enter the entity’s information and select a Waccal Symbol (for startup/company) or Username (for investment company/group). A Waccal Symbol is synonymous to a ticker symbol, which makes it easy for investors, employees, and anyone else to find your company on Waccal.

The dynamic pitch deck and company profile

Startups are constantly evolving and pivoting, but the document that explains that is stagnant. Makes sense right…No it absolutely doesn’t! 😨 When startups send their PowerPoint or Prezi document to investors via email, by the time they hit send, it is already outdated. The file was already too big due to the beautiful graphics you have on each slide, once you update it and re-send it to the investors I am sure they will love you for clogging up their email. 💔 And remember to update all the investors with the latest pitch. This sounds like a pain!

Welcome to the new and efficient way to handle this. Instead go to your startup/company’s Profile app, where you can now create your pitch deck and company profile. We have created tips and guidance along the way so that your pitch is solid from the start and you can come out ahead of your peers. When you want to share your company profile or pitch with anyone on Waccal or via email, all you must do is send the link to your Profile app or simply give them your Waccal Symbol. For example, our Waccal Symbol is WACC and our URL is Our team knows that your team has worked hard to come up with the pitch information and a lot of it you want to protect from being public information. Great, you can do exactly that on Waccal! Each section in profile has a lock on the upper right-hand corner, the default is unlocked and green, but you can lock it by clicking on the lock icon which then will turn red. 🔐 If you want to give your potential investor access, go to your Settings page and navigate to the Access Given section. You can add your investor and give them the appropriate length of time of access.

The dynamic capital management and portfolio management

Do you use Excel to keep track of your funding rounds, who your investors are, how many shares are authorized, outstanding, and issued, who has employee stock options and what their vesting schedule is? Yes, please stop this and welcome to the 21st century. 💻 If you are paying someone to do this or are paying a platform for this, you want to continue reading as well. First, Excel is static, once you enter your information, you must manually update it, which is time consuming and who knows if the equations are even correct. Second, Waccal is free. Let’s continue.

Startups can now go to their Capital app and enter the number of shares their company has authorized. Further down, the startup can enter their funding round information and break them up as an equity, debt, or quasi funding round. Quasi includes securities such as royalties 👑 or profit sharing to name a few. And that is it. Now all the startup must do is add their investors and employees. How the shares are allocated to each investor and employee, how the capital structure and breakdown changes, how each investor’s ownership percentage changes, and much much more are all calculated automatically. We have serial entrepreneurs, engineers, and MBAs on our team who have programmed this in for you, so you can rest assured.

On the flip side, investors and employees don’t ever have to worry about figuring out how many shares they own, what the term sheet says, or how much ownership they have. As the startup allocates more shares and raises additional capital, the investment updates automatically in the Portfolio app. If applicable and allowed, the investor or employee can also sell their shares to others and use Waccal’s Portfolio management that automatically calculates the gains and loses for them. It’s like having a brokerage account for private company investment.

Let’s sum it up

What Waccal has done is made startups/companies and investment companies/groups more efficient. This efficiency saves you time, which in turn investors can use to help the startups out in a more strategic level and startups can focus on what matters to all: growing the company. Our mission is to lower the weighted average cost of capital for investors and private equity companies through efficient, accurate, and meaningful workflow. Let us know what you think. You can respond directly in this thread or reach out to us here: contact us. 👍

Not on Waccal yet?

Waccal enables startups and investors to grow together. Gain traction behind your startup, build rapport with the right investor, generate quality deal flow, and manage your deal room — for the first time, ever, on one single platform. Get started for free!

