How to get Started as an iOS Developer

Bobobox Engineering
4 min readSep 23, 2022

Hello everyone, nice to meet you.

This is my first article published in Medium. I’m an junior iOS Developer at Bobobox Indonesia. Even though I’junior programmer, but im so happy can share knowledge what i have learned. So, lets start begin.

The first article I want to share is how to get started as an iOS Developer and what are the tools needed to help support learning. Here we go!

  1. Swift

If you want to be iOS Developer, of course you need to learn about the programming language. In android u can get to know java or kotlin, but in iOS we use Swift. Actually there is another language called Objective-C. But, for me it’s too difficult to learn xD. Like like a proverb in Indonesia if you don’t know it, you don’t love it.

Swift is announced in 2014 and Swift’s designers draw on ideas from other popular languages such as Objective-C, Rust, Haskell, Ruby, Python, C#, and CLU. For me Swift is very beginner-friendly, it’s easy to learn. It’s easy to define the variable, because there are only 2 way to describe it, u can use var (variabel maybe change the value) or let (this variable describe at the first and never change the value ). Another feature that i like from swift is, Optional value.

Optional Value allow you to get null or another value. So this is cannot generate null-pointer error. Because the compiler always make sure is null or no. more details check it here :

2. Xcode

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Of course if u want to build some apps, u need compiler right? But before that. What is compiler? Compiler is a program that is used to convert your code into machine language. So, the computer will understand what u guys written. In Xcode have future called playground. In there u can easily to experiment and creativity with swift. Here is it:

Oh ya, there are 2 type programmer to learn i think. Learning from beginning like understand the the structure, variable, OOP, etc. and learning by project. Learning by project like you just go down to make your first app following tutorial or something. I don’t think there’s anything wrong, because both have the same goal.

If i explain learning from the beginning maybe this article will too long to read ya xD so i’m gonna tell you how i’m learning by project.

3. Project

Build a personal project is important to learn by ownself. I can suggest you to try to make your project following tutorial video like from youtube like this Build your first ios app with swift or online class like udemy (english) dicoding (indo). Because if you guys learning by project u can see your progress and result apps. So, for me it will make you happy and enthusiastic to build your another project :3

4. Bootcamp

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The last but not least is bootcamp. Bootcamp is the last option because when u guys join a bootcamp. U will have mentor that can help u when confuse or have any question. When u guys join bootcamp also u will learn, and collaborate from or with another learner about your thought. I have a recommendation for you if you guys want to get started as an iOS Developer. Here we go : Apple Developer Academy

Apple Developer Academy is one of the best Bootcamp that u can learn about Apple Product. It has spread all over the world such as Indonesia, Italia, Brazil, Korea, Saudi Arabia, etc. and it’s free guys! You can search it in google yha :D

