What’s the Deal with the iPhone 12?

What’s changed? What’s new? What’s back?

⭐ Robert Jameson
Bob’s Tech


Source: Apple

13th October 2020: Apple announces its new iPhone 12 range.

Have we already met?

From the iPhone 6 onwards, Apple has opted for variations on essentially the same rounded edge overall shape. There was nothing especially wrong with this shape and all these iPhones were good-looking phones.

But many people couldn’t help but miss the flat-sided design introduced with the iPhone 4 and continued with the 4S, 5 and 5S.

That Jony Ive design is widely acknowledged, even by Android fans, as an absolute classic of industrial design.

It was resurrected for the first-generation iPhone SE and somehow did not seem to have aged. Hold it in your hand and it just feels wonderfully good, for reasons which it might be difficult to fully explain.

Well, now you don’t have to buy an old phone to experience that joy, because the entire new iPhone 12 range has adopted that classic design.

The iPhone 12 Pro (Source: Apple)

Rounded sides are out. And back in is the distinctively solid, flat-sided reassurance of the…



⭐ Robert Jameson
Bob’s Tech

Tech Writer. Philosopher. Economist. Basic Income Advocate.