Home is Where the [Insert Noun Here] Is

It’s an age-old conundrum, but maybe today I’ve figured it out

Bob Merckel


View of Cape Cod bay in Provincetown Massachusettes.
A view from our Ptown roof. Looks homey, no? Photo by author.

I’ve been back in Provincetown just over 24 hours.

Once again I’m overwhelmed by the idea that I can get in a tin can (or two, and then a hotel bed, and then a ferry) and end up in a place that feels every bit as home—but different—as where I get my mail, pay my bills, feed my cat, and shower, shit, and shave on a regular basis.

My Barcelona → Provinctown trips aren’t so much traveling as they are commmuting.

For this I am truly blessed. And even more grateful.

In the short time I’ve been here, I’ve had a cloudy and refreshingly cool sunset on the beach with dear friends I’ve know for decades. Reneé and I have known each other since New Orleans in 1984, and she introduced me to the guy who would be come my first long-term relationship.

I’ve gotten a Covid booster and a pneumonia vax, and won the Guinness World Record for longest hug at a CVS when I ran into another decades-old friend whose husband is in home hospice after fighting pancreatic (and more) cancer for over a year.

I’ve relived history, running into a mate who jumped off his bike in the middle of Commercial Street to give me a hug (it’s all about hugs today)…



Bob Merckel

Editor: Age of Empathy, The Memoirist | English teacher/language consultant in Barcelona and Provincetown.