My Personal Trainer Really Wants to Get Me (and My Algorithm) Swole

He’s so helpful and always goes the extra mile, even if that means starting with an extra inch.

Bob Merckel
Published in
3 min readJul 14, 2023


I will never look like this. Photo by Anastase Maragos on Unsplash

Many years ago, I had a knot surgically implanted under my left shoulder blade.

I did this to make sure all my future massage therapists would actually have to earn their money. At least that’s what I tell them.

Earlier this week, it flared up.

“What did you do?” my personal trainer asked on Monday when I told him about it. Not to complain, just to inform.

“I woke up.”

Sadly this started becoming a reality in my mid-fifties. Things just started hurting for no real reason.

For all you youngsters snickering, please know that #ItGetsWorse.

For those over a certain age, I see and appreciate your knowing nods.

Gym Albert did a little physio work on my after our session. He said I did indeed have a very bad contractura and told me to call one of my massage guys. So the next day, I had a 90-minute rub that verged on physiotherapy.

What’s the difference between massage and physio?



Bob Merckel

Editor: Age of Empathy, The Memoirist | English teacher/language consultant in Barcelona and Provincetown.