First NFT Collection on Boca Chica and Cooperation with Ukraine’s Cyber Police

Boca Chica
Boca Chica
Published in
2 min readJul 22, 2022

With the unveiling of NFT Auction on Boca Chica, we are ecstatic to present to you the very first NFT Collection! This NFT Collection will be dedicated to the efforts of support to Ukraine. Not only that but we also directly collaborated with the official Cyber Police of Ukraine to bring to you the world’s first government backed NFT Sale!

Moreover, this sale is directly supported by HAPI and NEAR!

What kind of NFTs will that be you might ask. Let’s look deeper into “Cats at Arms”!

Cats at Arms — We Help Armed Forces Together

Cats at Arms is a game, a clicker type game for both smartphones and desktop devices. In Cats at Arms, the Cats of the Armed Forces of Ukraine destroy the enemies with the help of various skills, tactics, and sheer will.

Gameplay Mechanics

The gameplay is simple yet engaging. Featuring iconic battle maps, you need to eradicate your enemies in every possible way and prevent them from getting onto the defenders’ positions. You receive special rating points and ammunition for defeating the invaders, which can be spent on improving weapons or recruiting new fighters. At the end of each level, a tough battle awaits you with one of the iconic leaders of Mordor’s army. Each has its own memorable phrases and skills that prevent the player from completing the level.


The game features a Play-to-earn mechanic that enables everyone who’s playing the game to earn NFTs, points, and achievements by defeating in-game enemies!

Each NFT sold on Boca Chica is going to be donated directly to the people of Ukraine, those in destitute state because of the invasion, and as humanitarian aid.

Enter, play, and win! Buy NFT — support the Armed Forces and speed up Victory Day over the invaders!

More on Boca Chica NFT

With the new update Boca Chica now enables creators, digital art enthusiasts and content creators to auction their work directly via familiar, easy-to-use, and streamlined platform. Whether it be a sale of full-fledged NFT collections or just a certain piece of it, creators can easily promote and auction their work on Boca Chica!



Boca Chica
Boca Chica

Boca Chica is a collaboration between the HAPI team and Solana to create one of the main IDO platforms on the Solana blockchain