How to Start a Career in Web Development

With the internet only continuing to become more important, web developers are at the forefront of this movement. If you would like to become a web developer, there are a few points that you should keep in mind.

Ashley Marie Taylor
Boca Code
6 min readDec 15, 2020


With the internet only continuing to become more important, web developers are at the forefront of this movement. Because so many people use the internet to find products and services, nearly every company requires professional web developers who are able to design, build, and launch new websites. From start to finish, web developers are heavily involved in website creation, technical considerations, and hosting services. Because web development is a rapidly growing field, this is an area that will continue to be mentally stimulating and financially rewarding in the future. If you would like to become a web developer, there are a few points that you should keep in mind.

What Does a Web Developer Do?

In general, web developers are responsible for designing, developing, building, and launching websites using various programming languages, internet tech, and applications. Often, web developers are responsible for the security of websites as well.

In this manner, web developers are required to have an in-depth knowledge of programming, multiplatform development, and the construction of web applications. Web developers need to blend technical expertise with creative visions to create unique, complex websites that blend seamlessly with integrative applications. Even though some web developers specialize in a narrow focus of web development, all web developers need to possess general website construction skills.

How Can I Become a Web Developer?

Because web development is a broad field, there are plenty of opportunities available. This means that, as a student, you are also going to have multiple paths available to you when it comes to becoming a web developer. Some of the steps that you will need to complete include:

Go To School for Web Development

There is no single path for those who want a career in web development. Even though it is possible to learn the basics of coding independently, it is always better to go to school to learn about coding languages from trained professionals. Furthermore, there is more to building a website than just coding.

These are a few of the top reasons why it is important to invest in a formal education for web development. An associate’s degree is the bare minimum for those who are looking for a job in web development. On the other hand, for career advancement, you will probably require a bachelor’s degree in computer science or a similar field (such as IT). In addition, there are bootcamps available that can provide you with a competitive edge if you would like to augment your skills.

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Gain Experience in the Field: Develop Your Technical Abilities

Even though it is critical to obtain a formal education in the field of web development, this is still a field where concrete experience is necessary in order to earn employment opportunities and advance your career. The reality is that companies want employees who can produce and they don’t really care where or how something was learned.

Therefore, you should make sure that you develop technical skills in a variety of programming components. These include:

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript

You will also want to learn about the frameworks of CSS including Foundation, Bootstrap, and Backbone. Finally, you should also be able to build applications, which requires a strong knowledge of back-end languages including Ruby, PHP, and Java. Knowledge of tools such as SQL Server and Oracle are helpful as well. When you take the time to hone these technical skills, you make yourself more competitive for the top jobs in the field.

Practice Your Coding Skills

Finally, you also need to make sure that you practice your coding skills to keep them sharp. Similar to other skills, you can only get better by doing. For example, creating a Github account and remaining active can help you grab the attention of potential employers, helping your name cut through that large stack of resumes.

In addition, employers want to see results. Therefore, build an online portfolio that is filled with your successful site and application builds. You can demonstrate your technical capabilities and coding talent, helping you create a standout portfolio that will land you that first job interview.

Of course, none of this is going to be possible without a strong, foundational education in coding and computer science. This will provide you with the skills you need to stand out from the crowd.

What Skills Will You Need?

Whether you are chasing an associate’s degree, a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree, or even an additional certificate, you are going to pick up valuable skills that you will need to build your career as a web developer. Some of the key skills that you will need include:

  • HTML: This is the foundational element of every website and includes the core elements that define the look of a page
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS): This provides guiding instructions for a website, ranging from colors to fonts
  • CSS Frameworks: These are used to structure and develop websites and include programs such as Foundation and Bootstrap
  • JavaScript: This programming language defines how web applications operate and function
  • Responsive Web Design: Your websites need to be able to respond to both desktops and mobile devices, which requires a solid understanding of responsive web design
  • Version Control: Version control software, such as Git, will allow you to track and maintain changes that take place in the coding language
  • Testing: If there are bugs in the system, you need to be familiar with testing programs that can help you identify and fix these bugs

These are just a few of the essential skills that you need to build a career as a web developer.

Related Careers as a Web Developer

In addition to a career as a web developer, there are also numerous other related careers that you might be qualified for. Some of the related careers include:

  • A User Experience Designer: You will play a role in understanding how technology has an impact on the user, finding ways to make the experience more enjoyable
  • Mobile Application Developer: One of the most desirable skills today, you will be responsible for building websites and applications for use on mobile devices
  • Information Architect: This focuses on how information is organized on a website and how users can interface with it
  • Web Administrator: This is a professional who manages internal and external web pages, identifies page tech issues, and addresses security concerns

Get Your Career as a Web Developer Started Today with Our Code School!

If you would like to learn more about this rapidly growing field, then we are here to help you. As a leading code school in Boca Raton, we can help you get started close to home in South Florida.

Contact Boca Code today by visiting us at our website or by calling 561–922–9656 today!



Ashley Marie Taylor
Boca Code

Crafter of Words | Marketer + Techie @ Shore to Summit