Earnings Per Share (EPS): The Metric That Unveils the Heartbeat of the U.S. Economy

BoCG Ventures
BoCG Ventures
5 min readSep 20, 2023


In the intricate dance of financial metrics that govern the world of business and investment, one metric stands out as an indispensable compass guiding investor, companies, and even politicians — Earnings Per Share (EPS). This seemingly humble figure is a measure of shareholder wealth generation, an indicator of financial health, and a harbinger of economic well-being.

Understanding Earnings Per Share: At its core, Earnings Per Share (EPS) represents a company’s net profit allocated to each outstanding share of common stock. It is a metric that encapsulates the company’s ability to generate profits for its shareholders. Put simply, it tells us how much money a company is making for each share of stock held by investors.

The Dow Jones and Nasdaq: Fueled by EPS: Walk down the bustling streets of Wall Street, and you’ll find a recurring theme — the relentless scrutiny of financial results. Companies listed on major indices like the Dow Jones and the Nasdaq are all judged by the same yardstick — their financial performance, i.e., EPS. It is the lifeblood of stock markets, dictating whether stocks soar or plummet.

Quarter-to-Quarter Mantra of U.S. Corporations: In the fast-paced world of U.S. corporations, the mantra is clear — “What have you done for me this quarter?” Businesses are evaluated on a quarter-to-quarter basis, with EPS being the primary measure of success. Shareholders, hungry for returns, eagerly await financial reports to gauge whether their investments are thriving or stagnating.

The Watchful Eye of Wall Street Analysts: Wall Street analysts serve as gatekeepers of financial performance. They assess the effectiveness of management teams based on their ability to guide and achieve financial results, with EPS at the forefront. Companies that consistently fail to deliver are met with skepticism, their stock prices taking a hit. Executive teams that repeatedly do not generate shareholder value face swift replacement.

The Enigmatic World of Lobbyists: Enter the enigmatic world of lobbyists. These entities exist to advance the interests of publicly traded companies. Their mission is to ensure that economic policies and regulations align optimally with the goals of these corporations. In essence, they serve as powerful advocates for the business world.

Lobbyists and Political Influence: Publicly traded companies enlist lobbyists to exert influence on the economic environment. Through political donations and strategic alliances, they target politicians who can advance their interests. In return, politicians depend on these companies to maintain their hold on power, creating a symbiotic relationship.

The Unwavering Path of Politicians: To remain in power, politicians often find themselves walking a fine line between public interest and corporate allegiance. They must toe the line drawn by industry leaders to secure campaign funding and endorsements. Straying from this path can lead to swift political consequences.

The Primaries and Their Message: In the complex world of American politics, parties maintain control over their candidates through primaries. If an errant politician steps out of line, they are “primaried” by their own party. This involves supporting an alternative candidate in the upcoming election to ensure party loyalty.

The Power of EPS: In summary, EPS is not merely a financial metric; it is a powerful indicator of the intertwined interests of corporations and politicians. To truly understand the U.S. economy, one must recognize the crucial role EPS plays in this complex web. It serves as a barometer of shareholder wealth, corporate performance, and economic well-being.

As we navigate the currents of modern finance, perhaps it is time for publicly traded companies to take a more long-term view of their businesses. Rather than focusing solely on the next quarter, executive teams should be challenged by their shareholders to build enduring companies rooted in fundamentals that generate long-term rewards for customers, the economy, and yes, shareholders. In doing so, they can forge a path that aligns the interests of the business world, politics, and the people, creating a more prosperous and sustainable future for all.

About BoCG Ventures: BoCG Ventures is focused on designing companies that endure past tomorrow. It is the only antifragile fund that employs a hands-on operational framework (VOM) to pinpoint innovative solutions for those who value data-driven growth in both local and global markets to achieve scale and enduring returns. To learn more, visit www.bocgventures.com.

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