Bodhi Development Update 7.15.2018

Deric Walintukan
Bodhi Prediction Market
2 min readJul 15, 2018

Hi everyone! Bodhi here today to give you a long-withstanding development and roadmap update.

Let’s start with the roadmap update to give you all a clear picture of what’s upcoming.

Roadmap Update

Q3 2018: First iteration of dapp light client for Qtum finished and integrated with Qrypto light wallet.

Q4 2018: Polishing of existing contract logic and dapp UI/UX. Deployment of Bodhi Ethereum dapp contracts done. Start integration of BOE into light client.

Q1 2019: Finish integration of BOE light client into dapp to have multi-token platform.

These are the outlined portions of things to come within the next few quarters here at Bodhi. As often experienced with many crypto projects, the roadmaps generally do tend to overpromise or overstate their abilities to get things done on time. So… with that in mind, we would like to take a more realistic and humble approach and give periodic updates to our roadmap as things progress and take shape. We feel this will lead to more accurate estimations and the fact that we don’t want to let you all down by overestimating ourselves.

What is the Bodhi Dapp Light Client?

After much polishing and feedback from our users, we decided there needed to be a change in the overall structure of our dapp itself. One of our biggest complaints was the sync time of syncing with the entire Qtum blockchain. With our upcoming light client, you will no longer have to sync the entire blockchain and be able to start participating almost instantly!

With this change, we will also be able to add a bunch of cool new features that was not possible before such as being able to see other users’ bets or result sets. Other things will be possible such as showing how many users have participated in a certain event and adding categories or tags to events.

We are very excited about this change and have been working tirelessly to bring this to fruition.

Qrypto Light Wallet

We are almost complete with our v1 Qrypto light wallet Chrome extension. This light wallet should be compared to Ethereum’s Metamask Chrome extension.

The v1 version will include basic functionality of sending and receiving Qtum, master password login security, and being able to create or import multiple wallets.

The future versions of Qrypto will include functionality such as sending/receiving QRC20 tokens, signing raw or unsigned transactions from dapps, and permission-ed sub-accounts to do quick and easy dapp transaction calls.



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