Bodhi prediction market Q&A in the third quarter of 2018

Bodhi Prediction Market
3 min readSep 21, 2018

1. Bodhi ’s latest development progress and timeline

Expected to be launched in the first quarter of 2019, and the team is now steadily advancing development work.

Expected Q3 2018: Qtum’s dapp light wallet client will complete its first iteration and integrate with Qrypto light wallet.

Expected Q4 2018: Abandon existing contract logic and dapp UI / UX.

Complete the deployment of the Bodhi Ethereum dapp contract. Start integrating BOE into the light client.

The first quarter of 2019: Complete the integration of BOE light client and dapp, with multi-token platform.

Development schedule details:


Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Deric Project Latest News Sharing: Https://

2. The new light wallet Qrypto developed by Bodhi and Quantum Chain

As an important part of the Bodhi Ecosphere, the birth of the Qrypto light wallet is a milestone. In addition to not having to synchronize cumbersome node data, the new wallet is still a plug-in wallet based on Google Chrome. No need to download The installation package, just search for “Qrypto” in the Google online app store and add the plugin to the browser to use.

The latest version of Qrypto wallet v1.2.1 is released! Qrypto, a QTUM light wallet developed by the Quantum Chain and Bodhi team, was officially released in the Google Chrome Web App Store. Users can now add the Qrypto Quantum Light Wallet plugin to the Google Chrome App Store. At the same time, the wallet is completely open source, developers can directly search on GitHub to obtain open source resources for secondary development.

3, the Ethereum version of Bodhi predicts market development progress

As indicated in the development plan schedule, Bodhi will begin development of the Ethereum version after completing the Bodhi Light Wallet version (QTUM) and is expected to be completed in the first quarter of 2019.

4. The product announced by the new official website

Attentive users have found that our official website has been revised. Around the Bodhi ecosystem, we have proposed a complete product line and development plan. At present, is also in the development stage. Although the data has been shown to predict events for the main network, related development and testing are in progress, and users should not recharge.

5. Bodhi predicts the current operation of the market

With the full support of users and enthusiasts, the current prediction events in the Bodhi prediction market have covered a wide range of areas: social hotspots, people’s livelihood data, sports competitions, entertainment news, astronomical meteorology, financial and economics, etc., based on Bodhi construction. In the blockchain technology, users have 100% autonomy over prediction events: creating events, participating in prediction, and maintaining arbitration. We look forward to your joining.

Bodhi prediction market installation video tutorial:


6, The official media channel opened

In the following period, Bodhi will open a media channel such as Sina Weibo, Zhihuo and Jianshu as the official information distribution platform.

