Introducing Naka Chain

Bodhi Prediction Market
2 min readJan 22, 2019

For the past one and a half years, Bodhi has built a whole ecosystem. This includes the Bodhi Prediction Market DApp, Bodhi Web, and Qrypto extension, etc.

We have proven that building a truly decentralized application on top of blockchain is possible. Bodhi Prediction Market became the world’s first fully decentralized prediction market launched on the mainnet.

Meanwhile, we had received great feedback from our community as well. Admittedly, from the aspect of user growth and user experience, the Bodhi ecosystem is far from complete.

Much feedback was about the app itself, which is primarily on the “Application Layer.” We are constantly exploring the best practices to build a DApp with a native and extremely easy user experience. Bodhi will continue to work closely with the whole blockchain industry on defining the design guide for building DApps.

Besides that, some of Bodhi’s offerings are out of the scope of DApps, such as our wallet, extensions, explorer and lastly blockchain itself. These components are equally critical, if not more, for DApp’s general mass adoption. This “Platform Layer” is not only important for Bodhi, but also for all DApps in general. At this moment, most blockchains are focused on providing general-purpose platforms, and none of them are optimized for DApps. Our team is researching and building a developer-friendly platform which will be shared with the whole blockchain community in due time.

To clarify the line between the application layer and the platform layer, we want to introduce “Naka”, a blockchain agnostic platform which will focus on solving the pain point of DApps.

Developers are the key driving force behind bringing the blockchain industry to this stage. Thus, DApp-first methodology is the core value when we design and architect Naka Chain. We want to bring the blockchain into the next stage by sharing the blockchain economics with all developers and enterprises on the Naka platform. Stay tuned for more upcoming information. For early access, please contact us by

菩提即将推出 Naka 区块链平台

在过去的一年半时间里,菩提致力于打造一个完整的区块链生态。这包括菩提预测市场去中心化应用、菩提网页版、以及 Qrypto 插件等。


于此同时,我们收到了大量的社区反馈。诚然,从用户增长和用户体验的角度,菩提区块链生态还远未完整。很多的反馈是关于我们的应用本身的,也就是“应用层”。我们正在持续不断地探索在区块链上搭建一个原生且友好用户体验 DApp 的最佳实践。菩提将继续与整个区块链行业一道紧密合作制定创建 DApp 的设计规范。

除此之外,在菩提的应用开发过程中,我们也涉及到一些 DApp 之外的组件,例如钱包、插件、以及区块链。它们对于 DApp 的普及是同样不可或缺的。这些“平台层”组件不仅对于菩提很重要,对于所有 DApp 也同样重要。当前阶段,绝大多数的区块链都致力于提供全方位多用途的平台,致使这些平台未能针对 DApp 开发进行专门优化。我们团队一直致力于研发一个面向开发者的区块链平台,并将在不久的将来对整个区块链社区开放。

为了更好地界定应用层和平台层,我们即将推出 “Naka”,一个专注于解决 DApp 痛点的隐式区块链平台。开发者是带领区块链行业发展至今的中坚力量。因此,Dapp-first(Dapp 为先)是我们在设计和构建 Naka 链时的核心价值观。我们希望通过与所有开发者和企业共享 Naka 区块链的经济机制来共同推进区块链行业的发展。

更多信息将在随后发布,敬请期待。目前 Naka 平台开始接受早期内测,请联系 获取测试名额。

