
Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory
3 min readMay 5, 2019

We’ve reached the completion of a significant milestone for Perspectives, and a significant chapter of our lives.

The last 6–8 months have been extremely taxing and nearly all of Daniel’s time has been consumed with putting out fires or management / administrative tasks. He has not had much opportunity to work on PSP 2.0 stuff. However, it has been both good and necessary.

We knew when he stepped in as the IT Director last January that the current system would need a lot of work before being able to switch gears and make strides toward a whole new platform, PSP 2.0. We could not have known at the time, before really diving in, just how much work and time it would take to get the current system into a functional and reliable position in order to set it aside and move forward. Many of the problem areas we had previously identified had farther reaching root causes that needed to be addressed. This is where the majority of Daniel’s focus in 2018 was spent.

That work has allowed him to maneuver Perspectives into a place where he can now consult and help guide the future transition instead of remaining in the weeds of administrative tasks, management of the legacy system, and minor bug fixes. Therefore Daniel is stepping out of the Perspectives IT Director position, and into a consulting role.

There is no doubt that this is a positive transition that should be celebrated! It allows him to focus on building the next generation platform, instead of spinning wheels on the current one. It was entirely necessary to spend this past year and half repairing the legacy system and eliminating factors that contributed to the problem. New teams have been built to continue improving and maintaining the legacy system so that progress can begin being made on the new 2.0 system.

It has been a challenging journey though. One which has stretched and grown our family in many ways. The work has required our family to sacrifice much of our time together as Daniel had to put his focus primarily on this task, often spending evenings working very late. After reaching this milestone we are able to take our hands off for a bit and allow the new teams to continue the work. I am looking forward to this next chapter being a more balanced one returning our focus to family first.

We have seen God’s hand in all this pretty clearly and are so thankful for it as this was a very difficult decision to make. Our hearts remain committed to the work of reaching the unreached through mobilization and love the Perspectives ministry and all its staff dearly. God graciously worked out much of the timing and details of this transition including bringing forth new IT team members as well as presenting an incredible job opportunity for Daniel.

We’re excited about this new season and Daniel has officially accepted a paid position with a company here in Denton as a Site Reliability Engineer.

We love you all dearly and we are so thankful for your grace, patience, encouragement, and support over the past 15+ months!

Those of you who have held the rope during this season of ministry through financial support have made an incredible impact on us. You have helped to encourage and grow our faith and we are so grateful! Your support has been a truly worth while investment into the kingdom. This past year and half of work has been a critical turning point for Perspectives and will allow immeasurable future growth and impact. So much of it is behind the scenes, non-flashy type of progress that it’s hard to express (in a non super technical way) how critical it has been. But know that your support has been an investment into the lives of people who currently do not know God because they have not yet had an opportunity to hear His word! Many will be mobilized into a far greater participation within God’s global kingdom, welcoming, sending, praying for, and going to the nations! Thank you! ❤

Regarding this transition, James Mason, the National Director of Perspectives had this to say to our network of staff: “Daniel is now moving into a period of healing rest and reorientation of his IT role within Perspectives. After some months of stepping back, he will continue to help us with project work and as a consultant to help us execute his IT, “2.0” vision. Daniel remains a faithful servant of the Perspectives movement and we are all committed to walking alongside him and his and family in this journey.”



Lauren Bodnar
The Bodnar Testimony: for His Glory

Believer. Wife. Mother of 2. I have lots to learn and enjoy sharing that journey.